Come desires in a dream, then
his dream says emission. Twice a month if unmarried young man has a wet dream,
it is not a disease. Again this is very dangerous. Becomes physically weak.
which increases the risk of infections diseases.
Diseases of men want to tell here because our current generation are reluctant
to tell their illness. Keeping the same thing I have decided to write this
article. Currently indecency is normal and to guide youth there is no platform
from which they could benefit young. want to go into much detail here. Youth in
this article I will explain some hidden diseases.
Warm items used frequently, constipation, bad thoughts, erotic thoughts, often
jlq is the complaint of the disease.
1 -Dijitalinum 3x:- This disease is common among young people. Most youth
believe that perhaps it is a dangerous disease once or twice a month if it is
not a problem but if it is more than that, then that needs treatment.Complained
of night sweats and weakness of the heart with which masterbation dijitalinum 3x
medication must then also be used.
2-Thuja Q:- Thuja Q for the abundance of wet drops three times a day to five
disease goes away.
3-Asid phos 200:- Students, office workers are at risk for an erotic dream.
Mental and physical state of weakness, then acid Fhos 200 drug use will
definitely benefit every third day.
4-sulfur 200:-The hands and feet irritation with wet then used sulfur 200 once a
Note:-All medications mentioned above, which has put them in a little water to
use. You must consult your nearest homeopathicdoctor.I'll visit with the new
theme. Thank you.