(Maryam shaheen, rawalpindi)

Morning shows have great impact and effect in lives of viewer including their intellectual well-being. It is because people try to act either spoken or action as they see the celebrities do and the things that celebrates usually tries to communicate, and respond the similar way as publicized. When we talk about morning shows all things are already being well planned. Both good and bad things are being communicate at that time and especially when we talk about morning shows we realized that morning shows gripped attention of women that is why they lean to expend much of their time doing sitting in front of TV. Now a day the morning begins with sun rise and with a morning shows along a cup of tea. Every person feel excellent as he think the darkness end and light appear to bright their life as sun bright the day or remove darkness in these circumstances morning shows try to make people entertain, energetic and knowledgeable and give 2 to 3 hour but internally they are all busy in increasing their publicity and rating. One gigantic bad thing are present in morning shows they do whatever they think and what they want to do and all other TV morning shows start following them the biggest example is when ARY morning show start celebrating wedding week all other morning shows doing the same. Couples which are previously married are publicized getting married to each other again and again and in all this marriages include music, dancing, laughing, wear expensive dresses. Hosts swirl and dance with the star guests. Is this media ethic or is they follow rules and the other thing large number of people in country faces food starvation and destruction but they are busy to celebrate marriages that are already married. The hosts are just doing their job and in their job they are all well trained even in their live acting she just wear a bridal dress and go around catching couples dating which is also a part of their acting as these couples are also paid actors. Is this good to invite needy people by asking them to help but they just make their own show publicity b attracting people. Today morning show are the essential part of every TV channel and the trick use by the owner to ramping up the channel day by day they renowned hosted any actor or specially actresses . Now a day a lot of actors and actress are hosting morning show. The another interesting thing about these morning shows are one man shown not every time but sometime in some shows the host become got more confident and make the show her own show. The purpose of morning show is to entertain the women especially house wives because they have to fulfill a lot of responsibilities during whole day and in morning they are free and morning shows are source of entertainment, relaxation and to know about the world more. In morning shows different person from different field are invited such as celebrities, writers, artists, sports stars, athletes, politicians. Host asks different types of question that attract the target audience even if these questions are ridiculous especially tailored to suit the intellect of the target audience. Live calls are made to get answers for personal queries and people ask questions from guests. All morning shows sponsor narcissism and show off in this way they fulfill their aim. encourage people to showcase their wealth, become a part of the race of expensive clothing, shoes and jewelry is this good for those who are not able to buy cloths and also endorse culture of show off and this is not reality .host and celebrity connection at show make the audience more keep amuse it is not for all because some shows are informative but some are just busy in making money. As the channel increasing people more move towards adopting whatever the people done inside the drama and morning shows now the impact of morning shows start impact our lives in positive and negative manner both some time it make people up to date but some time these thing badly effect the culture and society.

If we look back few year ago there was just one channel with there was only PTV on air morning show but now there countless channels and numerous morning shows because people like to see this and also gaining effect from these morning shows either it positive or negative if we talk about positive things about these shows people are getting different types of benefit like women’s are more easily understand bout home making, cooking and learn who to groom yourself talking with celebrities may gave them new ideas to face the life and make it good and the one of the good part is heath tips given to everyone free of coast this tips make the person beautiful and healthy. The main positive effect of morning shows are awareness either it is beauty awareness, health awareness fitness and socioeconomic awareness as we discuss these shows are specially for women’s in this way they know about their rights and duties.

If sometime as good impact also contain some bad in morning shows our religious and culture values are not involve because as we look Islam and Pakistani society both are not allow to our to doing these kinds of jobs and the bad thing in morning shows are show off elements they show the host celebrities wearing expensive dresses and create the atmosphere which is dreamy because our real life is not as much comfortable and easily as they show it is just making fun of life and ignore the realities for little time. Sometime women’s are going to be totally involved in these shows they ignore to do their duties on time. According to every host her morning show is different from another but is it true? She prove herself by say she talk about her husband her kids and treat every guest as they are sitting in her home but is it good to know about some personal life instead to learn something that may help in grooming their own personality and generations. One of the biggest bad thing in morning shows they do not know how to treat and manage all conditions that is good for audience they just busy to making their show a bluster one. Instead of wasting money on these things we have to make something good that make Pakistan strong in Pakistan or try to do these show better make the nation better because anchors can make a huge change for Pakistan if they once give up their own intention for excellent.

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