Role an Responsibility of Media

(Ayesha Naseem, karachi)

Media is the mirror of society to inform people about world. The first and important role of media is to give the information about world, like provide proper news, awareness of new products and technology. The responsibility of media is not to give any kind of news which spread the panic, anxiety, tension among the people and should try to give fruitful and useful knowledge. Due to the present condition of Pakistan as the role of crimes are very high, corruption, robbery, terrorism and target killing, media should try to resolve theses problems and provide authentic news to the public.

In my opinion media had failed to do his job properly, as on any act of terrorism media creates a panic by repeating such news again and again which causes psychological illness like stress, anxiety and depression in people.

Ayesha Naseem
About the Author: Ayesha Naseem Read More Articles by Ayesha Naseem: 3 Articles with 1945 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.