Back Biting or Detraction

(Syed Manazir-ul-Haq, Karachi)

Detraction – one of the worst demerits

Almighty ALLAH has sent man as His deputy on the earth. He also sent the prophets and Nabi periodically for the guidance of human beings so that they after purifying from all sins make them gentleman in true means. There is no distinction between man and animal without the quality of humanity and having sense what is right and what is wrong. Ethics are regarded as weight in each religion especially in Islam a considerable stress has been put on it and for purity of the human beings from all kind of moral offences the last heavenly book like the greatest Holy Quran and the characters of the holy prophet are the guiding bright way.

Many moral offenses are such which not only discard the personality of an individual but also cause of disorder, mess and scattering whereas the religion of Islam is a preacher of a peaceful society. Uneasiness and disorder cause of all moral crimes however some demerit are such which cause disturbance and turmoil bitterly in the society and one of such moral demerits is back biting.

The back biting (detraction) habit removes all merits of man and the base of the society crushes with its horrible effects. A Hadith defines back biting in this way: “A talk is spoken about an absent person that if expresses in his presence might it may cause his resentment.” The followers of the prophet said: “The Prophet of ALLAH: If the habit is with him”, the prophet replied, “To mention the demerit which is with him is rightly detraction or back biting. If the demerit is not found with him it is false-accusation which is more than back biting sin.

It is saying of God in the Holy Quran. “No one make back bite. Any one among you would like to eat the meat of his dead brother” It means that ALLAH is describing the backbiting as a stern dirty act and referred it with eating of meat of the brother’s dead body.

A Hadith is described: “In the night of ascension my journey passed through such people the nails of them were made of copper and they were pinching their faces and chests with them. I asked Hazrat Jabrial, “Who are they”?. He replied: “They are the people who ate others’ meat and damaged their respect and gentleness viz detracted them.”

It is the principle of world and also the law of nature that the punishment is laid down according to the degree and scale of crime. If back biting is synonymous to eat the meat of dead brother’s body so its punishment in the Dooms-day for the back-biter is that they scratch on their meat with their hands.

The purpose to refrain from back biting is that not to point out others’ weaknesses but to cover them and for betterment of their weaknesses guide and educate them in good way and method as well as preaching as the back biting does not mend the character but it becomes the cause of disgracing of a human being which is extremely a cursing and mean act.

Leaving a few examples and except the Prophets each man is statue of sin and it is impossible that he has nothing humanly fault. Each man in spite of back biting should consider / contemplate self mistake and try to patch up and repair himself. If each individual of the society gives attention on self recovery so the whole society would mend itself because individuals form the society. The back biting is the enormous obstruction for the promulgation of a peaceful and commendable society. Therefore for the collective recovery and welfare of the society it is necessary that each man try for self improvement and healing. May Almighty ALLAH give courage all of us to refrain from this cursing deed like detraction. Aameen.

Syed Manazir-ul-Haq
About the Author: Syed Manazir-ul-Haq Read More Articles by Syed Manazir-ul-Haq: 10 Articles with 24642 views I belong to Syed Family and at present living at Karachi but willing to settle at Islamabad or Lahore after my retirement. I have seen 50 springs of .. View More