War Criminal America, The Great Killer vs Mankind

(Chaudhry Muhammad Rashid, )

Mankind need to Choose one, Fear of God "The Greatest Allah" or Fear of War Criminal America? Since Mankind started to fear from America & NATO, we have seen worst campaigns against East "Russia & China", Middle East "Arabs" & Islam "All Muslim World".

Using Bigot Media, False & Fake stories spread by America & NATO against East "Russia & China" Middle East "Arabs" & Islam "Muslim World" cause Mankind loss of trust & millions of human lives. Both criminal America & NATO were supported by Evil Bigots, Liberal Fascists, Satan Atheists, new edition is full of falseness slum india.

America & NATO have been involved in killing 8.2 Million Human Beings in various wars post WWII. A War Criminal that killed large number of human beings Post WWII, yet Criminal America has to say the Mankind who is good & who is bad. Million Killings in Iraq & Hundreds of Thousand in Afghanistan are current examples of America,s War Crimes.

Being a criminal & killer, America have been involved in bullying the Mankind since WWII. After creation of UN world have seen America,s involvement in to Highjacking UN. Using UN The Great Killer yet feared mankind to death.

Criminal America has its own lists of Good & Bad. In which those are feared of America are Good rest are bad. War Criminal America & NATO cause the world greatest losses of lives & internal fights.

Losing one life to Criminal America & NATO speaking truth is better then losing Mankind by keeping mouth shut on War Crimes.

Yes I do believe in Freedom Of Speech.
May God Bless Mankind.

Chaudhry Muhammad Rashid
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