Education is not received. It is achieved

(Nazish Malik, Rawalpindi)

Education is the only tool through which we can face challenges of life and fight to them with great temerity. Education is as consequential for life as water and breath for us or as fuel for running a car and an airplane. It is considered the light of life and the way for development. It is an important source of economic progress, technological and societal development. Education is also an essential tool for the evolution of human civilization in the world throughout the history. In Stone Age era the people had no idea of communication and technological development while living in caves. However, the gradual progress continued in this regard and the formation of language was the first step for communication with each other. Then the next step was taken to arrange the alphabets while thoroughly working on Philology. This is how the grammar came into being by adding various bifurcations which made the communication further easily for operating. Since then, the world has witnessed the evolution from stone to atomic weapons and from dark to electricity. Then the world has also seen the outflow and dissemination of globalization which made the countries boundary less. This evolution has been done by the countless efforts and struggle of mankind in all walks of life in general while particular in education.

Though, education is considered as the basic, permanent, precious and important possession of every individual but still the citizens of Pakistan has deprived from this basic human right. In fact, almost all Muslim countries are not only backward but also facing severe challenges in education sector. Despite having great natural resources, they sorely in need to get technological assistance from western world. This basic reason behind this, expresses their negligence in education. For instance, the number of universities in England is much greater than total number of all Muslim states. Furthermore, there is no university of Muslim states ranked in first top 200.

This is education that builds the nation and also it is very vital for survival of nation. Islam greatly emphasis on the importance of education and makes it the duty of every male and female. According to Islam education means “to know Allah” but unfortunately we are totally unaware to this. It is failure of our fragile system that neither our Madrassas nor scientific institutions educate the youth in this regard. In scientific institutions, we prepare Money machine rather than educating or guiding the youth with the real purpose of education. In the same way, students come out from Madrassas face severe challenges for adjustment in modern society of today. These unequal lines create discrimination in the society as we are being faced today. Robert Maynard Hutchins states it as “The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives.” We should create opportunity for youth to educate and guide themselves. Edward Everett described that “Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army.”

It is important to observe the reason behind this downfall of the sector. Education system is the victim of negligence from the hands of some individual belonged to different strata of the society. According to 1973 constitution, education is the basic right of citizens but it’s failure of the system, politician, and ruling authority as still millions of children still out of schools. I think this fragile system narrowing the way of getting education rather than bashing it. Undoubtedly, Shaheen of Iqbal is very talented they can do what they want if the system and government facilitate them. The youth is observed as the precious opulence and future of the state. The government and system need to groom, guided and educate the youth to become Allama Iqbal, Quaid-E-Azam, Albert Einstein, Alberoni, Sir Sayed Ahmed Khan, Newton and Thomas Elva Edison.

More than 6 million children are the victim of child labor, and most alarming fact is that over half population at 10 never ever attended the schools. We should realize that it’s education which produced skills, understanding, knowledge and polishing talent of individual. These millions number of uneducated children cannot play their role for development of the nation as the educated do. There are a number of flaws existing in the system such as medium of education, disparity at provincial level, gender discrimination, low funds, lack of technical education, untrained teachers, rapid growth of poverty, burgeoning quantum of corruption, imbalance at social level, bad infrastructure, mismanagement of the system, private and government schooling system, lack of educational policies, increasing population, weak authority, education as a business, political interference, lack of renew able policies, scanty resources, lack of research, lack of practical teaching, and many others.

These all problems mentioned above, need attention to be tackled on urgent bases though they can take time. The government must fulfill the promise of providing free education to all needy students. According to constitution 1973, article 37-b, “the state shall remove illiteracy and provide free and compulsory secondary education within minimum possible period.” It is crystal clear that the state cannot find the way of development with low literacy rate. Furthermore, Pakistan has placed 146 out of 187 in Human Development Index in 2012-13. Similarly, Pakistan’s total literacy rate is 57% with 69% male and 45% female. There is speculation about this percentage because in 2013 the United Nations reported 22% total literacy rate which is very low indeed. Actually literacy rate means “the ability of a person who can read a newspaper and write a simple letter in any language.”

Education is having backbone status in the development and unity of a nation. The effective education system and attentive authority can lead the nation towards a best future. Education is the only tool that can render the burden of increasing population into productive human resource. Government must be doubled the education budget to meet all challenges. It can lead us towards peace and prosperity. Similarly, dissemination of modern education can also eliminate terrorism, ethnic issues, discrimination and other challenging issues. Furthermore, the government should renew its policies and fetch reform in educational system. They should bash awareness among the people via media, civil society and conferences. The government must focus on far off areas and establish further schools, colleges and universities for the dissemination of modern scientific and Islamic knowledge. Most importantly, politics must be eliminated from colleges and universities and also student focus on their study rather than wasting time nefarious means. James A. Garfield says that “next in importance to freedom and justice is popular education, without which neither freedom nor justice can be permanently maintained.”

Nazish Malik
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