Importance of Education

The term ‘education’ refers to the systematic process of gaining knowledge and skills. The person providing the education is known as teachers or educators. And, the person who receives or gains education is called a student or pupil. Education is considered to be the backbone for the development and progress of any country. Prosperity and nation building is all possible when a country has strong and effective education policy.

Importance of Education

Several benefits are attached to Education that can bring positive impact in our life. An educated person or skilled individual is an asset for any country. In today’s world, human capital / human resource is considered the best national resource. Skilled human resource can explore better opportunities for self and for the entire nation.

In this article, we will discuss the significance of education in our life, for the development of a nation.

10 Reasons why Education is Important

There are many reasons why the importance of education cannot be ignored. They are discussed below:

Global Citizenship

Education is a must for global citizenship. Such a person always works for the benefits of masses. Education produces citizens who are intellectual, who are neither obsessive nor pessimistic, but are public-spirited, tolerant and wise. They can be doctors, engineers, IT professionals, bankers, scientists. Education aims at producing ideal human-capital. They are truly cultured, wise, tolerant, and public-spirited.

Endorse National Interest

Education can promote national interest. The highly educated people with critical intelligence can form independent conclusions from given facts. An educated person has wisdom and knowledge to work for the development & prosperity of the country. The doctors, engineers, scientists, police-officers all work together for endorsing the national interest.

Backbone of developing countries

No country can progress without having a sound education system. Those developing nations who realize this earlier; works effectively for sustainable development of economy and society. The most important resource of a nation is its human-capital. Educated individuals have the ability to become entrepreneurs, technology professionals, scientists and agriculturists. The world of today is driven by Information Technology and Innovation. The major dilemma for underdeveloped and developing nations is low literacy rate, and large numbers of people are still living below the poverty line. Educational development is vital for the economic prosperity of a nation!

Putting an End to Poverty & Unemployment

According to an estimate by UNESCO, 171 million people could be lifted out of poverty – a 12% drop in global poverty can occur ONLY if all students in developing countries left school with basic reading skills. This explains a lot about the significance of education. Research by UNESCO also predicts that one extra year of schooling can increase an individual’s earnings by up to 10%, and each additional year of schooling raises average annual gross domestic product by 0.37%.
Education produces excellent citizens

Cultured and wise men are product of effective education system. The ethical, moral, and educational facilities given to children of today can help them in becoming a responsible citizen of tomorrow. If children of today study hard to become good students, then they will surely become good citizens in future.

Innovation of approach

A sound education system encourages freshness of approach. New ideas, concepts, effective and innovative ways to do things comes only when the education system is strong and benefiting the brilliant minds. Education should bring out the best in the student, not stifle his mind.

Broaden your Horizon

Being stagnant in your approach can be extremely harmful. Education makes sure that a person incorporates various other ideas, and point of views that can broaden one’s horizons. It helps one in getting out of one’s comfort zone as that is where the magic lies.

Transmit national culture

Education is an important medium to transmit national culture to the students. Of course, educational institutions are not the only agencies through which the culture of the nation can be passed on to the younger generations. The home exercises a powerful influence on the youthful mind. Religion and churches have a big role to play in making men truly cultured and moral. But schools and colleges have also a contribution to make to the transmission of national culture.

Awareness of Rights

Education keeps you well informed about your responsibilities as a citizen and also enlightens you about the rights you can enjoy from the state. Whether they are consumer rights or right to vote, to protest, or rights against exploitation from your employer; you can raise your voice whenever you notice something wrong around you.

Earn a livelihood

Education enables an individual to earn respect and confidence to become independent. It is true that employment does not depend upon intellectual attainments alone, but is also determined by the stage of economic development of a country. However, there are chances that an educated person will get a good job with income sufficient to earn him his livelihood.

Note: This Article originally written on 26 October 2009 by Ata Rehman Zaki, it has been modified recently by Hamariweb Editors' team with slightly changes of data and updated info according to recent updates.

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