As we all have studied product
life cycle which is very similar to humans life cycle that has different stages
we have seen many products/brands that starts from introduction stage and move
towards growth, maturity and so on.
Advertising is one of the strongest pillars when it comes to take a brand to
newer heights. Due to rapid change in technology advertising has also been
moving into the new era name as Digital. Digital advertising is also called
Internet advertising i.e businesses leverage Internet technologies to deliver
promotional advertisements to consumers.
People who are associated with advertising agencies and have some experience in
digital are launching their own digital marketing companies along with their
offline agencies.
According to (IAB) the revenue is 42.8 billion from digital advertisements which
is 2.7 Billion more than Broadcast ad revenue.
Most of the clients and agencies nowadays go for static ads on social and
digital media which consumers simply ignore because of the fact that they are
not interesting.
Consumers would like to see those ads only if they are designed well using
different eye catching color combination but the question here is not about
color scheme and good concept it is all about the objective behind it that what
that ad is supposed to deliver at the end of the campaign.
Similarly the consumers interact or click only those ads in which they find
something for themselves in return like 50% off etc.
The impact of animated ads is much more than the static ones clients and brands
should focus on it as it creates more interactions and engagement.
Social and digital media is all about content where people have freedom to speak
whatever is in their mind this is what actually the beauty of digital compared
to traditional advertising.
If this medium is used in a smarter way it can make consumer your friend. Life
of consumers now a day’s is much more happening than before and this thing has
an impact on advertising as well.
Static graphic design ads are not more happening and are losing their value in
terms of boosting a brand. In this scenario animated ads are more engaging and
It is a new way to entertain people and force them to buy, by posting these ads
on digital platforms. Face book is also introducing video ads which is also a
good sign for digital agencies to come up with some interesting ideas in future
that helps them to achieve their objectives and to gain more revenue, as well as
they can achieve new heights because of their uniqueness in the market.
Ending with the beautiful quote of Walt Disney Company “Animation can explain
whatever the mind of man can conceive. This facility makes it the most versatile
and explicit means of communication yet devised for quick mass appreciation.