Qari Bashir Ahmad Siddiq AlMadani ..... A living legend !

(AbdulRahman Shoro, Khi-Jed)

“He was born in Layyah, Muzaffargarh in 1357 AH . He studied in DarulUloom Lahore and Karachi and mastered in Ilmul Qira'at . He came to Madinah AMunawarah in 1385 AH. He became teacher in MasjidAlNabawi and was incorporated in Majlis of ShaikhulQurra AlMadina. His teachers include Shaikh AbdulAziz AlShawqi , Qari Fath Mohamad Panipati , Shaikh Hasan AlShair , Mahmood AlHusary and Shaikh Hussain AlKhattab ShaikhulQurra of Shaam.He had written Books on IlmulQira'at. " End Quote ا.هـ

I made a summarized translation on my own , in one paragraph ، for more information about His life read out following book :
Book name : إمتاع الفضلاء بتراجم القراء
Author ; Shaikh Elyas AlBarmawi (Quranic sciences teacher at Masjid AlNabawi )

I totally benefitted from book of Shaikh Ilyas AlBarmawi , who is a teacher in Masjid AlNabawi .I had searched about Qari sb' s biography a lot but didn't get sufficient , then AlHamdulillah I came across the book of Shaikh Ilyas AlBarmawi which provided me sufficient information regarding him .

Qari Bashir is now one of the Senior Qurra in Masjid AlNabawi and currently heads a circle . He is teaching Holy Quran for about 50 years , teaching the best knowlede at the best place . I heard from one of the relative of Late Shaikh Ali Jabir (Imam of Masjid AlHaram ) on a TV program on Life of Shaikh Ali Jabir that Shaikh Ali used to revise about 4chapters with Him. I heard from one current student of Qari sb that Shaikh AbdulMohsinAlQasim (Current Imam of Masjid AlNabawi ) had been his student.

When I visited and was honored to sit with him , I noticed that he was telling his colleagues and students to keep themselves away from pride and arrogance and illustrating by giving them examples from past .He refrains from disclosing His student names to any questioner.

Qari Bashir is MaShaAllah active regardless of His age . In these days He travels to different European countries for conducting Quranic Classes , Inauguration for Quranic School and awarding Ijazas to His Students. May Allah bless him with long life so that he could serve Quran and AhlAlQuran.

If you want to meet him , I can't remember his exact location but he will always be found near junction between Old and New Haram Nabawi . Its better to ask any pakistani worker there he will guide you better.

AbdulRahman Shoro
About the Author: AbdulRahman Shoro Read More Articles by AbdulRahman Shoro: 16 Articles with 35246 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.