Tips Of Cooking

(Erum Habib, Karachi )

Cooking is about the preparation of food by heating and mixing some ingredients . It really reflects the phenomenon that happens in our daily lives. Cooking is actually Science. Cooking reflects the word "Chemistry".You will discover interesting facts about the foods you enjoy and how to prepare them. YOU are what you eat, or so the saying goes. It beautifully said that, It is not just you who are what you eat, but the entire human species. And that's made the Human so special and unique among all creatures. Cooking is a human universal. No society is without it. No one other than a few faddists tries to survive on raw food alone. And the consumption of a cooked meal in the evening, usually in the company of family and friends, is normal in every known society. Moreover, without cooking, the human brain (which consumes 20-25% of the body's energy) could not keep running. Even age factor also counts in cooking like most teenage likely to bake cakes and cookies because they got attract by the sparkles, peanut butter, nuts and glazing apply on donuts or baked items and older people's liked to cook soups and healthy food that are really important for their health and agility. And mixing different fruits and vegetables made delicious and tempting juices and they're really refreshing and mouth watering. Start cooking, however, and things change radically. Cooking alters food in three important ways. It breaks starch molecules into more digestible fragments. It “denatures” protein molecules, so that their amino-acid chains unfold and digestive enzymes can attack them more easily. And heat physically softens food. That makes it easier to digest, so even though the stuff is no more calorific, the body uses fewer calories dealing with it. Moreover, Cooking increases the share of food digested in the stomach and small intestine, where it can be absorbed, from 50% to 95% according to work done on people fitted for medical reasons with collection bags at the ends of their small intestines. Previous studies had suggested raw food was digested equally well as cooked food because they looked at faeces as being the end product. These, however, have been exposed to the digestive mercies of bacteria in the large intestine, and any residual goodies have been removed from them that way. Cooking is something that soften the food so that it's easily digested by us. And one should learn hoe to cook a food, he must learn about the chemistry, tips and reason for cooking. Another important factor for cooking is time duration, if the time exceeds its limits of cooking then the food is no more able to eat, moreover, all creatures are made up organic materials and organic materials are the building blocks of "Carbon". So if the food heated up or cooked for a long like it will starts burning more like an initial form of carbon, which looks bad and horrible and tasteless. These are softer, because that is what people prefer. Indeed,the nerves from the taste buds meet in a part of the brain called the amygdala with nerves that convey information on the softness of food. It is only after these two qualities have been compared that the brain assesses how pleasant a mouthful actually is. There are many good reasons to cook meals from scratch. Ready-made foods or restaurant foods can made us lazy and in other words it's unhygienic and unhealthy and they lack precious nutrients and unique taste that only resides in mother's hand. Cooking simply at home from whole ingredients is often cheaper, per serving than heading out to a restaurant — even a fast-food restaurant. Food made at home usually has far less salt and fat than either processed foods that are sealed pack or what's on offer in eateries And, contrary to popular belief, families don’t save much time by turning to packed and turn it into a box, they cooked it and starts eating.

How learning to cook can help you resolve your issues with food;

" If you feel like you're losing the fight against food -- scarfing chips and cookies when you should be munching on carrots -- maybe it's time you learned the rules of healthy eating and healthy cooking. Learning to feel more comfortable in the kitchen can help you feel closer to your food -- and closer to a healthy lifestyle. Even the top diet secret is," Eat at home and learn healthy cooking tricks" Why don't we cook more often? Many of us are just too busy--and too tired to face the kitchen after a long day of work. Others don't cook because they see food as the enemy, and are afraid they'll eat what they've made--maybe even all of what they've made, Another cause for kitchen avoidance is the fear of making mistakes, some people see the food they make as an extension of themselves, so they worry about being judged by the outcome. Ordering in takes a load of pressure off the perfectionist's back--you can blame a lousy dinner on the restaurant it came from, instead of on yourself."

Every cook, being human, errs, bungles, botches, and screws up in the kitchen once in a while. If you have not "caramelized" fruit in salt rather than sugar, you have not suffered the most embarrassing mistake you should managed it. The creative cook can often cook her way out of a kitchen error, but the smart cook aims to prevent such creativity from being necessary. A lot of cooking involves chemistry and is essentially a series of chemical reactions. Knowing about this kitchen chemistry can help you to understand much more about what’s happening – and why your recipes sometimes go wrong.

Want to learn cooking ?

Media play a very important and dedicated part in transmission of different cooking shows from all over the world. It seduce more people to homemade cooking. Cooking is very simple and easy and if you really want to cook you should follow the instructions in your cookbook and simply watch cooking show. Watching cooking shows tempt you to cook and this temptation comes from visual appeal from the transmission of that cooking show. Even the recent technologies invent food factories and grinder that are needed in culinary purposes. And made our cooking more convenient and simple.

Why DOES FOOD go Off?

Complex chemical reactions go on in food all of the time – even if you’re not cooking them. Some of these reactions make food go off. For example, bananas turn brown because a hormone within them triggers the release of ethylene gas (C2H4). This accelerates the ripening processes until the banana becomes over-ripe. Ethylene has an accomplice called polyphenol oxidase (or PPO for short). It’s found in apples and potatoes, so leaving your banana next to an apple will hasten the ripening process. Food companies use these same chemicals to bring unripe fruit up to speed for consumers, and use other chemicals to slow the ripening process down. Some Interesting Tips and Tricks regarding Cooking Why are Curries ‘Hot’? Receptors in your mouth and throat can detect even tiny amounts of capsaicin – just 10 parts per million (or ppm for short) will cause that familiar burning sensation on your tongue. The capsaicin allows calcium ions to food cells. This trips a pain signal and before you know it you are reaching for a glass of water. This doesn’t work very well, because capsaicin is not soluble in cold water. Milk and other dairy products such as yoghurt provide the greatest relief – they contain casein which effectively washes capsaicin molecules away.

What Happen to Meat When You Cook Red Meat

contains myoglobin which turns brown during the cooking process. Because Meat is animal muscle, 75% of which is water. The rest is protein (about 20%) and fat (5%), as well as small amounts of carbohydrates, acids and minerals. So what happens when a piece of raw meat goes on a hot frying pan? The protein molecules are in bonded coils, but as heat is applied the bonds break and the coils start to unwind. Meanwhile much of the water content in the muscle fibres leaches out – that’s why your fillet steak or chicken breast is smaller after cooking than when it is raw. If it’s red meat (lamb, beef) it begins to turn brown as the myoglobin reacts to the heat. Similar to haemoglobin, myoglobin is a protein that stores oxygen in red blood cells. Heat triggers iron atom oxidation. The iron atoms in the protein lose an electron and this gradually changes the colour from red to brown. White meat (chicken, turkey) has far less myoglobin, so it is pink when raw and turns white when cooked. Why

Does Popcorn pop up?

The secret is in the grain. Many other grains – like wheat or rice – won’t pop, because their outer shell or hull is porous. Popcorn kernels are around 13.5% water, and when you heat the popcorn the water in the kernel boils and turns to steam. The hull is sealed so the steam creates pressure inside. When the temperature rises to 180°C and the pressure is at nearly 1000 kPa (kilopascals), the shell explodes – or pops. If your popcorn isn’t working out, it’s probably because one of these factors is off. If the kernel contains more than 13.5% water it will pop into a thick dome shape instead and won’t be as fluffy and crisp. On the other hand, if it doesn’t have enough water it won’t build up enough steam. If the kernel is cracked or damaged in any way, the steam will find a way out and your popcorn won’t pop. Why is

Honey Good for Sore Throats?

Honey has four attributes that help it fight infection. Nothing soothes a dry cough quite like honey and scientists are now looking at how to use the special qualities of Manuka honey and ‘medical grade’ honey to battle more than just colds and flu. Honey has four attributes that make it effective at battling infection: H2O2 which may be more familiar as hydrogen peroxide or bleach. Consuming or applying large quantities of H2O2 is not a good idea because it’s highly corrosive, but scientists have found that honey contains low levels of the chemical and it can kill bacteria. Dextrose and fructose (C6H12O6 in chemistry-speak, or sugars in chef speak). This makes up 75% to 85% of honey, which means that it doesn’t contain much water – and bacteria can’t thrive without water. Bee Defensin-1 This protein, also found in the bee secretion royal jelly, is a natural antibiotic. Methylglyoxal (C3H4O2, or sometimes simply ‘MGO’). This chemical compound inhibits bacteria’s ability to produce the proteins needed to survive, and makes honey a powerful remedy to infection and illness. And I'm sure next time you will have plenty of honey and toast.

Cooking is so interesting and I'm sure one can starts cooking when he is sad or embarrassed. Because cooking will soothe and calm your mind and explore your brain and keep it running.

Erum Habib
About the Author: Erum Habib Read More Articles by Erum Habib: 3 Articles with 4696 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.