Glimps of Mind

(Syed Haseen Abbas Madani, Karachi)

A new born arrives in this world. The parents become very happy and most of the time they feel that they are lucky as this is the boy or girl; it depends on their society and the environment. The new born must have brought a plan about this arrival in the world. The parents start thinking of the baby’s future. They never realize that there was a past of the baby before arrival in this world. They believe that he came through a process and become a live human being, and perhaps they do not think of his past life, in their thought he had no past and now his present they pronounce, the start of life and the future is ahead. Here the people could not be convinced that the baby was in a life but we can say it was in the shape of spirit. Entering in this world it needs that the spirit must be covered by a body or you can say a suite which is required to move in this world as we use a suite in space.

Very soon it becomes grownup and a complete human being. The memory of his past lost and he never thinks on that but only worried of his future. What is the reality of this future that he does not know anything about it, just planning to achieve success? On the verge of his parents he spent time and money with the reservations of his selfishness without considering the rights of other fellow human beings. Suddenly he receives the call to return back to his previous world from where he was sent to this human world. The call can be translated through sickness, accidents, loss of body parts etc, even then he struggles to survive, but one day his efforts in vain and the death lays his icy hands on him. This is the small story of landing and going back to the original place from where he was sent.

Syed Haseen Abbas Madani
About the Author: Syed Haseen Abbas Madani Read More Articles by Syed Haseen Abbas Madani: 79 Articles with 92547 views Since 1964 in the Electronics communication Engineering, all bands including Satellite.
Writing since school completed my Masters in 2005 from Karach
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