Keeping focus on goals to be achieved


Hope you all doing well and coping up with the challenges. How to create and maintain the laser focus on achieving personal goals? That will allow us to make much more progress, compared to when we juggle across clutter. I would like mention some important points
• Be clear on why you’re pursuing the goals
Firstly, if you keep giving up on your goals halfway, perhaps you were never serious in them to begin with. For me, if I’m really serious about a goal, I’d never give up on it – I’d keep hammering away at it, regardless of the obstacles, until you get it.
• Create a vision
Start by creating a broad vision with the help of images that represent your goals and dreams. Visualizing your end goals more clearly inspires you to take consistent action. Not only that, it also serves to remind you of your goals every day when you see the similar images. I would suggest tearing up a newspaper everyday and searching for the images which define you or your vision, while practicing this you would be amazed to see that you didn’t even noticed the clutter.
• Create milestones
If you just set one huge goal, it can be discouraging – especially when you don’t achieve it after a short while. I find it’s helpful to break a big goal into smaller goals, after which you concentrate on achieving the smaller goals in the short-run.
• Concentrate on 1-3 goals
If you constantly have trouble keeping up to your goals, maybe you’re spreading yourself too thin. Pick 1-3 goals that are most important to you, and stick to them. KNOW YOUR ZORRO CIRCLE.
• Create a plan
If you have a plan worked out for your goal, it becomes much easier to stick to it. All you have to do is to follow the actions you have planned for the day. This is the time when to actually need to write down the obvious things (To-Do list). One thing that should be kept in mind is that do not write alternatives. Set Priorities and Deadline so that you can track your results.

Enjoy the fruits of your labor- Reward yourself on each achievement.

About the Author: KOMAL SAQIB Read More Articles by KOMAL SAQIB: 3 Articles with 1940 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.