( The most respected and well-reputed Army chief of the Era )

On the eve of defense day 6th September 2015, a dignified ceremony held at AWG to pay tribute to war veterans and martyrs of the motherland. Prof. Muhammad SAFDAR Mufti (Chairman AWG, a Philanthropist, a noted- educationist) presided over the ceremony. Prof. Mufti became emotional while narrating the unmatchable services of GEN. RAHEEL SHARIF for the nation and termed him’’ Savior of the Nation’’. He also burst into tears while exploring GEN. RAHEEL’s personality and unforgettable sacrifices of his gallant family. At the end of his speech, he placed fresh-flowers garland on colossal portrait of Gen. RAHEEL with his hands and after that he announced 200’000 Rs. Charity in the way of ALLAH Almighty for Gen. RAHEEL, (performed SADQAH for the safety of COAS), which was distributed among widows, orphans and the needy at the spot. According to Islamic teachings’’ Charity (SADQAH) is a shield against fire ‘’. Francis of Assisi says’’ where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance. Undoubtedly, GEN. RAHEEL is busy in fighting against the fire of terrorism, extremism, target-killings, robbery, corruption, and anti-Pakistan lobbies. In essence he is playing with fire, and playing successive, central and decisive role to save the future of our generations. His life is regarded most important for the army as well as whole of the Nation. In this context, Prof. Mufti exposed his love and regards for the COAS, a thought provoking and unique demo of immortal heartily attachment with military leadership of a noted- educationist and philanthropist.

Today, on Eid day, I’m writing this piece of writing to pay tribute to most popular and highly-respected personality among the nation, because my hero; the commander of invincible warriors, has willingly spent the day of Eid among the soldiers, engaged in army-led operation Zarb-e-Azab in Wazirastan, and IDPs, one year ago. To go further with this article, I’ll have to seek help a little bit of literary taste while mentioning the personality of the legend of military sciences. So, remembering Hakim Sanai (حکیم سنائی ) , an eminent figure in Persian poetry, I reproduce here one of his verses from his poetry:
؎ سالہا باید کہ تا یک سنگ اصلی زآفتاب
لعل گردد در بدخشاں یا عقیق اندر یمن

Sanaiسنائی says; ‘’ years are required for the development or (completion of ordered cyclic patterns of atoms) of a stone into fine and high-quality ruby or quartz through the action of the Sun’s heat’’. The nation is suffering extensive damages to property and loss of life, and living under stressed and hostile environment since 2002. It was in state of dilemma, and waiting for someone who could rid it of its present miserable, gloomy and deplorable state through his loyalty, bravery and dynamic action. It’s the law of Nature and Nature never violates its laws. When voiceless hearts begin to weep, when pain approaches infinity and when cascades of eyes become sandy-region_ Providence listens and appoints one soldier of his unseen armies, a masterpiece of valor and a rare blend of spiritual and physical beauty, to change the phase of circumstances.

It’s difficult for me to compile a comprehensive biographical account of CAOS Gen. RAHEEL Sharif in this very short article, here I profoundly draw a brief sketch of his personal characteristics and his exalted station in the eyes of public as well as international community . Brief account of his ancestry and lineage is such; he belongs to a noble RAJPOOT family of brave warriors, with roots in KUNJAH, countryside of District GUJRAT in Punjab. GhANIMAT KUNJAHI, an exceptionally high scholarly and spiritual personality also lies buried in KUNJAH. KUNJAHI was the distinguished Persian poet during the ruling period of King ORENGZAIB ALAMGIR (14 October 1618 – 20 February 1707). GEN. RAHEEL was born on 16th June 1956 in Quetta. His father, Muhammad Sharif was an army officer of Major rank. It’s often said; ‘’ heirs of charging lions are too lions’’. Major SHABBIR SHARIF SHAHEED (NH), following the steps of his ancestors, like his father Muhammad Sharif and his uncle Major AZIZ BHATTI SHAHEED (NISHAN-E-HAIDER), has proved that sons of the eagles are eagles, during the war he interred the enemy bunker, pounced upon Major NARAYIN of the Indian army and tore his body into pieces in seconds. In war 1971, defending the East Pakistan after successive infiltration, he got direct hit of an enemy tank and embraced SHAHDAT at the spot. He was awarded NH for his immortal display of bravery. Following these unmatchable sacrifices of his elder, COAS GEN. RAHEEL SHARIF continues the chain of sacrifices with his loyal Endeavour and exemplary display of devotion to duty for the motherland. He received Nishan-e-Imtiaz, HILAL-E-IMTIAZ, Qararda-e-Pakistan Tamgha, Tamgha-e-Istaqlal, Hijri Tamgha, Tamgha-e-Jamhuriat, IDGJ medal, Tamgha-e-baqa , orderof Abdulaziz Al-Saud (Saudi Arabia) and Legion of Merit (united states).He also served as inspector general for training an evaluation and as an adjutant to the Pakistan Military Academy.He is the true heir and legatee of the heroism of earlier warriors of Islam and Pakistan. He has proved through his dynamic military policies and practically- launched-strategies that, be it interior menace of terrorism or exterior security concerns, all the enemies of Pakistan collectively at the once are Pregnable. It can be said without any confusion, he is one of the ones, second to none, among the international military leadership.

Holy Prophet (SAW) indicated in his sayings the qualities of a real ‘’ MUJAHID (the real and loyal soldier of Islam): ‘’he searches the death in the valleys of death’’. In this context, be it the valley of SHAWAL in WAZIRASTAN surrounded by the dangers of terrorism or eastern borders engaged in unprovoked firing by Indian border security forces, COAS Gen. RAHEEL SHARIF rush to lead from the front in every kind of situation being careless of his precious life. This is the real spirit of determination while performing professional obligation. No doubt, he is a trend-setter in the Army leadership, he provided upcoming Generals with ample measures of leadership. To be social, is regarded an important feature of leadership. In this context, COAS GEN RAHEEL SHARIF is popular among his soldiers for his polite and humble attributes. Maintaining his soldiery composure, he visits common people, he listens their problems personally. He has performed funeral prayers of martyrs of Pak army in the complete presence of security risks, in their native graveyards. He personally visits common villagers in hospital who wounded in unprovoked firing by Indian troops on working boundary. He shakes hand with national players and appreciates them. He takes serious initiatives to restore the peaceful environment of Karachi and just after funeral prayers of his Mother; he leaves for Karachi to hold meetings with security officers for the further sustenance of operations against criminals. He spends half of the day with busy schedules in the Eastern part and just after half of the day he visits the north-western region of the country. There is no time to rejoicing. Sir IQBAL says;
؎ ایک ہوں مسلم حرم کی پاسبانی کیلئے
نیل کے ساحل سے لے کر تا بخاک ِ کاشغر

SIR IQBAL says; ‘’ single-one soldier with firm faith becomes sufficient for securing the objectives and reservations of the Muslims in the region, from port of the sea to Chinese KASHGHAR’’ This is exactly what interprets the efforts made by COAS GEN. RAHEEL SHARIF to ensure the completion of Pak-China economic corridor project ,from GOWADR to KASHGHAR. I appreciate former president GEN. PERWAIZ MUSHARRAF’s fine remarks about Ger. RAHEEL , he said: ‘’ I’m happy, COAS GEN. RAHEEL SHARIF doing well and it requires continuation, if there is any change occurs in the military leadership, it will be parallel to undermine the current achievements and further good expected consequences. So further extension in his tenure is crucial for the betterment of the bright future of the country.

As glad-tiding-winds blow softly just before rainy-clouds, the initiatives taken by Gen. RAHEEL is preamble of bright future. If there is COAS like GEN. RAHEEL SHARIF, and there is lovers, like-minded and facilitators like PROF. M.S MUFTI behind the army lines. There would be no fears or phobias of terrorism and conspiracies. There would be no ignorance which causes to flow minds to extremism, provincialism and sectarianism. There is good news, don’t worry, be content and graceful. Pakistan will be the supreme power on the face of the Globe. It will be the savior of Humanity. Incomplete Pakistan will be complete with its all features. Everywhere, here and there, countless flowers of happiness will be smiling and fragrance of love, beauty and peace welcoming the cultivation of mid-night-sun.

About the Author: AHSAN SAILANI Read More Articles by AHSAN SAILANI: 8 Articles with 17494 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.