Assessing Good Governance


As Robert Gregory tries to tell us about the difference between Governance and Government and gives the new concept of these according to new standards .In this he formulated these ideas as dispersal and fragmented and decentralized state authority. The involvement of civil society in every field of life whether they are governmental or non governmental bodies and trying to pursue the people’s problems in daily life. He has discussed about whether governance is bad or good but it depends on the outcomes of which they support or enhance. There is an ongoing relationship between means and ends, process and result.

Diamond says about the bad dimension of Governance, that Good governance does not paint a glittering picture of society but according to him Governance has just bad impact due to democracy which only favors the elite class. Governance does not affect the condition of people but it is full of corruption, squandering, abuse of power and use of unfair means during electoral process. It does not respond to the massive social agenda or reduce inequality or poverty. He has given the examples of different countries like Philipines, Bangladash and Nigeria.

Rothstein discarded the six elements of WGI and argues that quality of government, is neutrality in the use of political power and favours the parsimonious procedural conceptualization as there was ambiguity in the idea of governance. if the quality of how the state manages to govern society is considered to be a true of good governance‘ than how access to power is organised in a representative democracy.Rothstein concluded that, Representative democracy is not a safe cure against severe poverty, child deprivation, economic inequality, illiteracy, being unhappy or not satisfied with one‘s life, infant mortality, short life expectancy, maternal mortality, access to safe water or sanitation, gender inequality, low school attendance for girls, low interpersonal trust or low trust in Parliament.He has given the examples of countries like Britain, the United States and New Zealand,where over the past couple of decades Governance is changed and he might have added high levels of income inequality to this list.

Rothstein has identifies two ideas of governance, one is participatory governance which focuses collective thinking of public in decision making either as a complement or an alternative to the system of representative democracy .The second idea is called the political economy approach to governance. This idea was emerged after the research on development and growth on the third world countries.

The World Governance Indicators has measured governance in various countries on the basis of six measures including; voice and accountability, political stability and absence of violence effectiveness of government regulatory quality rule of law and control of corruption.These dimensions tells abo replacement and monitoring of Government ,formulate effective policies and last one deals with the social and economic interaction among citizens and institutions. And Beside WGI there are various international organizations has developed the measurements according to the performance of different countries both globally and regionally including the Transparency International‘s Corruptions Perceptions Index (CPI), the Asia Foundation‘s Economic Governance Index, the OECD Better Life Index, the UNDP‘s Human Development Index, the Fund for Peace Failed States Index, the Economist Intelligence Unit‘s Democracy Index, the World Justice Project Rule of Law Index, the Open Budget Index, the Freedom House Index of Press Freedom, the UN Industrial Development Organization‘s Competitive Industrial Performance Index, and the Reporters Without Borders‘ Press Freedom Index.

There is a lot of criticism on WGI done by different locality .critics says that these indexes are result of simplistic reductionism. The first criticism is that good governance is a broad concept and it cannot be reduced to a single index number because the sources and information on which these indicators are based can be different in different countries. Second criticism was on the idea of neo liberalism that these idexes are ideological and ahistorical. they do not recognize the importance of historical, cultural and political forces which have actually shaped the present form of governance and can definitely have a great role in its future structure. Other criticizes the WGI on the ground that these six measures are not enough for measuring good governance as the public financial management can differ in different countries. The six dimensions of the WGI do not in fact measure different things, but that each of the indexes reflects the perceptions of the quality of governance more broadly. Similarly, the ambiguity of the idea of good governance gives rise to tautology .In response to these criticism the writers of the WGIs have offered detailed and refuses these and other criticisms

Grogery has also discussed the emerging criticism on social science and social criticism which is keeping a balance as there is qualitative more than quantitative analysis of good governance which shows that how a country experiences the different level of corruption and in this example of New Zealand is given , New Zealand is considered to be one of the less corrupt country in the world and the WGI indicators since 1996 has shown that there has not been occurred much changes in the indicators with the exception of Political stability’s indicator that reached to peak in 2004 and then dropped again in 2008.There is a lot of information but less understanding and less trust which will create more problems .These contradiction in the comparative assessment of good governance quantitative data tends to drive out qualitative assessment of good governance.

About the Author: HINA QURESHI Read More Articles by HINA QURESHI: 2 Articles with 1033 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.