The World Owes A Great Deal To Islam And Muslim In Every Field Of Life

(Rameez Ahmad Taquee, Delhi)

Islam is the only religion which instructed its followers in every sphere of life. It is not only that Islam refined them with Islamic teachings, but it also commanded them to gain science, arts and other kinds of knowledge which are needed for human life. It is the part of history that Muslim had once been on top of the world in knowledge and science, while Europe was passing through darkness. Behind this advancement and success of Muslims was their religion, Islam. Thus the prophet (saws) is reported to have said: There is no disease for which Allah has not sent a cure. This Hadith gave Muslim an interest in medicine from the very beginning. The Muslim doctors thought deeply about different illnesses, and discovered useful medicines for treating them.

The western scholars authenticated and accepted that the survival of knowledge and science were directly due to the Arabs, because the invention of science and education based on experience are the discovery of Muslims. They reached towards it first of all then spread it to the world including Europe. Thus Philip Hitti has written in his book ''The story of the Arabs'' 1970:''None of the nations has played a key role in the progress of human life as much as Arabs have done in the middle century'' .Professor Montgomery Watt ,the famous western writer and major literary figure of Arabic literature and Islamic studies, has written in his book ''The Majesty that was Islam”--London 1984 P 227 ''The world's first medical college was established in Baghdad in the age of Abbasid emperor”.

And one of the most notable hospitals was Mansuri Hospital. It was built by Al-Mansur in 1282 A. D. Here 8000 people could live at one time. There was a different section for males and females, along with different wards for different illnesses. The first regular hospital with all required facilities of that day was established in Baghdad by Haroon Rasheed during 8th century. One such hospital was in Damascus, and was built by Sultan Nuruddin Al-Zangi in 12th century. Beside these hospitals there were so many hospitals and colleges which have influenced the people. Muslim doctors developed both anatomy and pharmacy into positive science. Thus .Ibn-e- Sina the poet, doctor, scientist, and philosopher, wrote about every field of knowledge. He explained the process of digestion, and he excelled in bacteriology, the basis of modern medical science. So Robert Staifen Briffault wrote that our science owes to Arabs not only in the revolutionary ideas. But the contribution of Arabic initiatives for science is much more than what is commonly known. And the modern artistic world would not have existed without the light given by of Arabs.

An objective study of history tells us that Arab Muslims constructed the highest university in Andalus, where Europe used to come to seek education. Likewise they took advantage from Arabic books, presented in Spain, which helped in the survival of Europe's knowledge .Sicily, the country where Muslim governed 130 years was the second most important center of Islamic culture's splendor in Europe during that time.

As French historian Gustavo Le-Bon (1841-1931) wrote in his book ''Hadharatul Arab'': We cannot imagine the greatest influence of Arabs on Europe when it was in the deepest of darkness.

But when some geniuses made an attempt to wipe out the ignorance from Europe, they knocked on the doors of Arabs, and quenched their thirst from them. The outcome of the Salaby battle (1099-1291) and the visit of Muslim to the Jerusalem closed them to Muslims. And they learnt a lot from them, for the Arabs had monopoly on knowledge at that time. Thus the book of matchless Muslim doctor of Spain', Abul Quasim Al-Zahrawi’s ''Al-Tasreef'' was published in 1497, and then it was translated in all the languages of Europe. And this book helped them constantly for 500 years. Thus Philip Hitti says that it helped lay the foundation of surgery in Europe. In fact Zahrawi studied intensively human body and noted its principles. He explained the significance of dissection studies, and made these knowledge and experiences the integral part of surgery. Later people worked a lot upon it.

Here you can speculate that how much influence of Arabic words had on English. Let’s take a look of it. Thus the word algebra, alcohol, alcove, almira, mattress, tabby, shawl, divan, coffee, chemistry, syrup, saffron, crimson, etc, are derived from the Arabic language.

Despite these incomprehensible words there so many sentences, proverbs and idioms taken from Arabic and used in English frequently. It is another thing that we do not get in touch with that, but the history stands as living witness to the special influence of Arabs on English. It is our fault that we forgot our splendid history, but history kept it to remind us, of our forefathers’ matchless works.

These things are useful lessons for those who tried to destroy our images and put the Muslim community into hopelessness about Islam and world saying that we do not have any part in the development of science and technology.. These are now clarion calls for Muslim scientists, especially young blood that they should create the critical skills, and creative minds to be in the forefront of knowledge as their forefathers were. And in matter of following others and in personal faith, try to avoid emotionalism while putting them into practice. Most importantly, they should spread the message of Islam throughout the world, so that our signs again would remain in history.

Rameez Ahmad Taquee
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