Enhancing the Impact through Knowledge Sharing In Research

(Sameer Ali Domki, Karachi)

Do you work in a research association, venture or program? Regardless of profitable learning created by research activities, would you say you are still disappointed with the level of effect accomplished from research exercises and research-produced information?
Do you encounter (1) an absence of consideration of needs, needs and substances starting from the earliest stage, lacking utilization of different wellsprings of information, (3) poor coordinated effort with partners amid the research activity, (4) constrained comprehension of how research results can most successfully be made utilization of, (5) insufficient methods for motivating information to target gatherings, or (6) restricted open doors for learning inside of exploration procedure?
These can restrict the effect your research can have. These issues are regularly connected with the route in which research is completed in general, and the specific way different components of research are taken care of. Knowledge sharing can offer some backing to tending to these issues and enhancing the way research is completed towards more prominent effect.
Might you want to enhance the coordinated effort, learning, and information streams in your research which can enhance a way?
The segments of the research process all offer a passage point in which knowledge sharing (methodologies, strategies, and instruments) can be incorporated and used to enhance those stages and the procedure all in all. See what should be possible, utilized at different phases of the research cycle:
Identifying research (inquiries) to attempt
By what means would we be able to share information, techniques, experiences and ideas to help identify research inquiries or ideas which are vital and will give learning and solutions which will have an effect.
Arranging research (exercises, ventures, programs)
How would we be able to better comprehend existing knowledge, needs and circumstances on the ground when planning research activities to make them more comprehensive and valuable.
Undertaking research (exercises like fieldwork, information accumulation, and so on)
How would we be able to better team up with and include partners in research activities?
Integrating research (formulating research results)
How would we be able to work with geographically spread partners and stakeholders to examine and orchestrate research results about and create proper messages?
Sharing research results and messages with applicable stakeholders
How would we be able to share information created from the research venture with target bunches in ways which are proper and effective?
Monitoring and evaluation of research (progressing all through research)
How would we be able to screen and assess our research so that researchers and different partners can all be included, can share, can get to information and can learn?
Research activity management
How would we be able to deal with a research activity in a more collaborative manner with associates, accomplices and partners, likewise with those that are geologically scattered?

Sameer Ali Domki
About the Author: Sameer Ali Domki Read More Articles by Sameer Ali Domki: 11 Articles with 12478 views IT Professional.. View More