(sarwar, lahore)

Many articles have been written regarding Mumtaz Qadri’s execution and its justification or otherwise. A few are of the view that writ of the law must be maintained, hence his death is justified. But they are silent about disposal of Ayesia Mesiaha and other two dozen cases awarded death sentences. However, a candid opinion is that government’s hurried action was uncalled for and against the practice followed by Muslim rulers. Some people have blamed the religious Stalwarts, who instead of taking any action themselves, deliver emotional speeches and make immature Muslims like Mumtaz Qadri to act irrationally, and thus face tragic consequences.

We should bear in mind that all the Muslims have not same degree of love for our Prophet (Peace be upon him). Moreover it is nowhere written and guaranteed that a man with impressive beard, a big turban, neat and clean dress/Chooga type Cloak, a fiery speaker, a Hafiz - i - Qura'n, a Naa't Khawan or a Qari with melodious voice, a well reputed Aalam, a Mohtamam of a grand religious Academy, a Peer/Sheikh with thousands of followers, (Most of these personalities have a long list of complimentary words with their names), has more Ishaq - i- Rasool (Peace be upon him) or those spending lavishly on leaflets, posters, bill boards, flexes displayed on rickshaws/ other places, or those organizing big functions like Jashan - i - Waladat -i - Nabi (Peace be upon him) or Mahfal - i - Naa't, have abundance of Ishaq oozing out of their bosoms. However, leaving aside a few, most of them embedded in hipocracy, are after their projection, hungary for reputation, authority and status. It is on record that it is always the poor and common Muslims who are bestowed with such honourable death i.e. "Shahadat."

Mumtaz Qadri was destined for that “Prestigious Position” No body could stop him. However, while punishing him we tried to take cover of the law framed and implemented by the Great Britian during her colonial rule in the Sub Continent. But after Independence in 1947, till today nothing has been done to deliberate on this law as to what should be the punishment where a Muslim kills a Muslim involved in Blasphemy and the blasphemy is quite evident.

The Government of Pakistan did not take any action against Salman Taseer, the then Governor of Panjab for his holding a press conference with Ayesia Messaiha, awarded death sentence under 295-C and his remarks about Blasphemy Act, and his assurance given to her about acceptance of Mercy application by the then President, Asif Ali Zardari. However, the daring but insultive attitude of Salman Taseer could not go unnoticed by those having Ishq – i – Rasool (Peace be upon him) in the real sense.

Hanging of Mumtaz Qadri' with the consent of Muslim personalities, like Mamnoon Hussain as President and custodian of the Hubb – i – Rasool (Peace be upon him) an important grediant of our Emaan, Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif as PM and Muslim Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Islami Jamhooria Pakistan was not at all expected by a vast majority of Pakistanis. The government was in extreme hurry, probably wanted to hang Mumtaz Qadri before Salman Taseer’s son could convince his mother and brothers/sisters to grant pardon to Mumtaz Qadri. Had this happened, the drop scene would not have been appreciated by the invisible hands. The Government wated to avoid this embarrassment.

Mumtaz Qadri’s Janaza was the biggest in the history of Pakistan. It contained a disapproval of Government’s action. It is useless to compare Mumtaz Qadri's death with death of Z A Bhutto, B N Bhutto or many others graded as "Shaheed" by their parties on political grounds to add laurels to the Party Caps. Now many of the Religious Stalwarts will endevour to add credit of Mumtaz Qadri's "Shahadat." to their party chronicles without having done any thing good for Mumtaz Qadri, during his life, Islamabad Dharna or even after his “Shahadat”!! Of course they will now turn his grave in to a shrine of “Great value and inspiration” and start holding monthly, six monthly and yearly gatherings on one pretext or the other!! I fear some clash erupting regarding rights of collection of Nazrana. From his shrine. We have only to wait!

We have closed our eyes from the purpose for which Mumtaz Qadri laid his life. He was quite clear that any person involved in Blasphemy of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) or protected such person must be punished and executed, and Government of Islami Jamhooria Pakistan must be quick enough in disposing such cases failing which a common Muslim will take the initiative. This has been happening in the past and will continue till Dome’s Day.

The Liberal and Secular elements and many of the foreign funded NGOs must know that the Two Nation Theory and Ideology of Pakistan form the basis of Creation of Pakistan and we cannot afford to lose sight of it. These elements have freedom of expression but not at the cost of the very basis of our country.

The Government official must bear in mind that they are Public Servants and get all facilities from the exchequer of Islami Jamhooria Pakistan hence they have to be loyal to Islam – the State religion.

The Law makers, generally slow and lethargic but actively busy in emassing personal assets, did not feel the necessity of framing new act / section of PPC which should deal with cases wherein a Muslim murders a person involved in activities/actions/ utterances comparable to Salman Taseer.

The Government functionaries and the President of Pakistan were too efficient in taking Mumtaz Qadri to the gallows. I wish the same type of efficiency is shown in disposing of many cases especially of Blasphemy. The people have watchfull eyes.

Any effort to provide relief to persons involved in Blosphemy will not go unnoticed by the Pakistanis. Aseya Messiaha, if slipped out of Pakistan, will earn a very bad name to Government, including the President of Pakistan and Judiciary as well. A tidal wave of agitation will be difficult to control, government is already in a series of crisis.

Our short sighted politicians could not comprehend the concept of Strategic Assets. Politician like B.N Bhutto did a great favour to Bharat. She gave lists of the Sikh militants to Bharat, to be eliminated once for all. Once again, we played to the tune of our enemies and showed extraordinary efficiency in diluting the Mujahideen __ our strategic esset, and a thorn in Bharat’s throat. This provided a great sigh of rlief to Bharat, especially in Kashmir. Nawaz Sharif’s extreme inclination towards Narendar Moodi and his efforts and statements to finish off the thin Line between Pakistan and Bharat have not been appreciated by Pakistanis.

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