The story of hard worker

(Istfan Alwan, Lahore)

There was a man who had nothing to do and not recognize his natural ability as well. So day by day he was losing his everything. Even he did not have anything to eat. He was about to die. Then he started thinking and an idea came to his mind that he was a good artist. He could make better pictures like other artists. He knew this ability before but he did not consider it precious as diamond. Whenever he made any picture he just threw it and considers it useless. He found only this way to fulfill his necessities of life. He started using his art of painting and made a magnificent picture. He took this picture to the bazaar for selling. His picture was well appreciated by artists who were known very famous and got enough money. He came back to his home happily and praised God for this gift. Then he started working hard on his ability and he was asked by different artists to paint more and more pictures for the exhibition. His pictures impressed the people. In result he was awarded as the best artist by the government. He was given a home, job and new car. His only job was to make a picture on burning issues which occurred day by day. His fame was known to the every corner of the city. This happened due to hard work on the natural abilities.
So we can say that hard work on the natural abilities is the only key to success.

Istfan Alwan
About the Author: Istfan Alwan Read More Articles by Istfan Alwan: 10 Articles with 8123 views

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