Forgotten Truth

(Rashk-e-Hina, Lahore)

As the world is progressing on, demands and needs of the people are changing. The things which were once considered the hallmark of dignity and respect have become the stories of past. It is an undoubted fact that ties of relationships are getting weaker. Here I am not going to discuss the prevailing conflicts and deterioration between worldly relationships as these are chatted about much in talk shows, morning shows, newspapers and many other media sources rather I want to cast a glance on a relationship that is eternal and that is embedded in every single drop of our blood and that is unflinching-relationship of man and his religion, relationship of man and Allah.

We all know this fact that all human creature will gather on the day of judgment but many of us will be surely unknown from the reality that, this accumulation of all human beings have taken place once even before the dismissal of Adam (A.S) on the earth. So the relationship of man and God is as old as the world itself or may be even older. But in the hubbub of today’s technological and sophisticated world when children hardly find time for their parents and vice versa, how one can have time for His Creator, His benefactor.

Today we get our children educated in highly expertise English medium schools, focus on their personally development, put stress on their skill and focal development ability but miss one thing and that is their souls, they are left empty and hollow. I feel that just like our body our soul has its own identity and needs which are required to be fulfilled for a contended life. Our body needs supply of food, water, heat, light and oxygen to grow and nurture same is the case with soul. For its the nourishment and pacification, we need to make the arrangements for the constant supply of food for it. But the question is that what “Food for soul” is?

I have mentioned in the second paragraph that Allah Subhan Tala created souls of all mankind from Adam (A.S) to the last human on earth and took an oath in “Alaam-e-Arwah”, the oath of “we have listened and obeyed” and that is repeatedly mentioned in the Holy Quran. This was the phase of formation of souls. Now here wait for a moment and consider the other situation when the first body was shaped.

It was obviously of Hazrat Adam (A.S) and kept on lying in Jannah for almost forty years. Then after such prolong period, Allah Subhan Tala blew his soul into his body, when it reached to his eyes, he instinctly looked at food of Jannah making the consumption and appetite as fundamental factor of human body. So here it is clear that the actual hunger of soul is its imbibed relationship with Allah but when it enters into the human body its requisites are transformed.

Resources of the world were and are sufficient to fulfill the necessities of body only, messengers, books and manuscripts by Allah Subhan Tala were sent to accomplish the requisites and thirst of soul. Man, who himself took the oath remained unaware of this fact and considered his body only to be fed and satisfied. The entire chagrin and uneasiness of today’s world is only because of that our soul has been thirsty for many years. Its growth has not corresponded to the growth of body leaving a gap between the two. From last few decades, among the clamor of modernism, advancement and development, the yelling of soul has been subjugated.

Because of lacking correspondence of body and soul, we are restless, agitated and impatient. Our children are suffering anxiety and depression at very early age, because we have inherited them all. We consider it our utmost duty to make them understand the law of Newton but we never explain them the concept of Quran. They are highly aware of the celebrations of New Year Night, Valentine’s Day etc but they are negligible of the reasons behind Shab-e-Mairaj, Youm-e-Ashora, Shab-e-Barat and many more. Unfortunately and embarrassingly they are lacking the basic knowledge about Islam, Prophet and Allah Subhan Tala.

If I say that the parents with empty souls are responsible for giving birth to hollow-soul children, it would not be wrong. Being a teacher I have experienced many times that children are always ready to hear what Allah has said, What their beloved Prophet (S.A.W) did and prescribed, What happened with the non-believers and what our code for life should be, but there is no one to tell them, to explain them without any prejudice of Sunni and Shia and Ehl-e-Hadees.

We always hear that educations system needs transformation but I say that it has collapsed and crumbled it needs rehabilitation. There is a dire need to reestablish, reconstruct and revive the perpetual relationship of Man and Allah, although it can never be ended but by the passage of time its colors have faded away.

We need to accept this truth that we can’t live a happy and contented life without fulfilling the needs of soul, along the body, and soul is inwardly and deeply connected to its creator, it has been tied in an oath even before the emergence of this world. We are restless because we have forgotten this “Unforgettable truth”. Religion, Faith and Believe are some tools to keep our souls connected to Him, It is same as Wi-Fi signals, apparently invisible but keep us connected thorugh world. So it is required to keep the signals strong in order to ensure proper connectivity.

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