Neurology is a specialized branch of Medicine that deals with the disorders of Brain

(Prof Dr Mujeeb-ur-Rehman Abid Butt, Lahore)

Neurology is a specialized branch of Medicine that deals with the disorders of Brain, Spinal Cord, Nerves and Muscles.
Question-1: How one would know that he/she has a Neurological problem.
Answer: If one develops any one of the following symptoms then he/she should see a Neurologist
1. Headache
2. Feeling of Imbalance or tendency to fall commonly called as “Kumzoree”
3. Difficulty in walking
4. Difficulty in concentration.
5. Difficulty in moving or weakness of any part of the body commonly called as “ Falij”
6. Feeling like spinning or rotating commonly called as “Chakkar”
7. Unconsciousness.
a. It means that one is totally or partially unresponsive, in Urdu it is called as “Bahoshee”
8. Abnormal movements of any part or whole of the body.
a. This includes epilepsy commonly called in Urdu as “Mirgee”
b. Tremors commonly called in Urdu as “Rasha”
9. Numbness of hands/arms/legs or feet.
a. Numbness means decreased perception of touch, in urdu called as “ Sunhhona”
10. Pain in the back, legs or arms
11. Stiffness of any part of the body.
Question-2: What are the common diseases a Neurologist see.
Answer: Under question 1, I mentioned the symptoms of neurological diseases, now I will mention the diseases of Brain, Spinal Cord, Nerves and Muscles
a. Headache
b. Cerebrovascular events(Stroke)
c. Shingles{(herpes zoster), post-herpetic neuralgia
d. Diabetic And other neuropathies
e. Epilepsy
f. Parkinson’s disease
g. Traumatic brain injuries
h. CNS tumors(Brain Tumors)
i. Trigeminal neuralgia
j. Meningitis
k. Multiple Sclerosis
l. Dementia
m. Myasthenia Gravis
n. Motor Neuron Diseases
Above are the main disorders which a Neurologist is supposed to see and manage.

Question-3. What are the investigations required in Neurological Disorders.
Answer: After being seen by Neurologist there may not be any requirement of investigation, but in certain cases following can be requested:
1. Complete Blood Count.
2. Blood Sugar.
3. CT scan or MRI of brain/Spine.
4. Nerve Conduction Studies/Electromyography (NCS/EMG).
5. Lumber Puncture for CSF analysis.
6. Electroencephalography(EEG)

Above is a general outlook of Neurological Disorders; I would be much happy to answer any question of any one of you want to ask from me.
Prof DrMujeeb-ur-RehmanAbid Butt
Consultant Physician & Neurologist
Shalamar Hospital/HameedLatif Hospital Lahore

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