Optimism and positive thinking is necessary for success

(Maryam Azim, )

“Once you replace negative thought with positive one you will start having positive result”, Willie Nelson

Positive thinking places a vital role in any student’s life. It’s a matter of setting goals or getting success in achieving them. We have to be positive and trust our own abilities.

What does positive thinking actually mean? When we look at the brighter side of any aspect regardless of hardship, our attitude and thinking toward life are considered too be positive.

There are two kinds of people in the world. The ones, who complain and blame other for the unpleasant situations, are destructive. On the other hand, the ones who take charge of the situation by managing it nicely are constructive and encouraged to do well. Many researchers have proved that optimistic people are more likely to achieve success and happiness as compared. Positive thinking is very easy to get. All you need is to:
• Be in the company of confident and successful people who make you trust yourselves.
• Watch video, read books, articles etc. related to people’s success stories and experiences.
• Be glad on small achievement and let go the past
• Believe that we are way to better from the people who have face terrible movement in life, which could not be compared.
• And last but not the least, understand hardships are there to challenge you, but never be afraid of them because almighty Allah has chosen us to deal with any such situation in life as per our strength.

Our goals are not achieve as per our wish there is no need to step back and lose hope and become a negative thinker by blaming everyone. We must have faith that whatever happens in our life is for our own good. Everything around us is happening due to a reason and that is definitely not because of others but us; ourselves.

Consider a life as a cricket match. You are on the pitch and many balls in the form of opportunities are coming toward you if you miss any ball it does not mean you are failed. Many other opportunities coming towards you keep playing as losing one ball is not the failure of whole match similarly losing one opportunity is not the failure of life.

In short a person who is continuously trying is successful and considered as a fortunate and a positive thinker. However, a person is tired is a misfortunate and a negative thinker.

Trying again and again helps you to achieve success in life. Always faith in God and believe in yourself to be successful in life.

Maryam Azim
About the Author: Maryam Azim Read More Articles by Maryam Azim: 5 Articles with 4652 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.