A Beautiful Golden Watch

(kanwal Naveed, Karachi)

Amir and Ayaan was good friend. They were in their school. They were happy and talked to each other. Amir told his friend Ayaan that my uncle who belong to U.K sent for me a beautiful watch. Amir invited him (Ayaan ) to his home to see his beautiful watch.

Ayaan said to Amir. Why you could not bring that watch to school. Amir replied “Because that watch is not only beautiful but also costly”. My mother not allowed me to brought that watch from home to school. Ayaan said, if I had that kind of watch then I would have convinced my mother gave me that watch only for a weak.

Amir had some thoughts in his mind for a moment. After a short time Amir said, I Should have to convinced her but unfortunately I have no idea like that at that moment when my mother was convincing me about saving that watch.

So when Amir came back from his school that day. He decided to convince his mother about talking that beautiful watch. After a long discussion his mother had been ready to give him watch but only a one day. Amir was very happy. He wears his watch in morning and his mind was full of pride.
When he arrived in his school and met Ayaan said him proudly, Let’s listion the voice of my precious watch. Ayaan was looking his watch inquisitively.

Time was passed rapidly. They were going to home after school. Ayaan asked Amir for prayer. Both of them were at the door of mosque. After they came back offering their prayer.Ayaan looked that there was no watch at the wrist of Amir. Ayaan carried loudly. Where is your watch?

Amir was surprised. He did not know about his watch too. After a long searching they were so much tired. Amir was crying and Ayaan was worried too. Both of them came back to their home. When Ayaan saw his bag after eating his meal he was surprised to see that watch was holding by his bag zip. He was laughing loudly. Ayaan’s mother came to his room and asked to him what’s happen ?

Ayaan said ,O mom’ that is watch of my best friend. He was showing watch of Amir. He told all story about watch to his mom. His mom had gone from his room after listening his story about watch. Ayaan came out to his room and he was still looking watch.

His father called him. Ayaan came to his father. His father asked him about the watch which he was looking. He told all story to his father. His father was smiling. His father asked him, what was in your mind when I called you? Ayaan smiled and replied. Some rubbish thoughts.

After a quite look, he was ready to go. His father asked him, what will you do now? Amir said to his father, I will give this watch to Amir. He was crying for it. His father smiled and said. I am proud of you Ayaan.

After that conversation Amir he gone to met his friend Amir. Amir was very happy to see his watch.Ayaan was happy too. When Ayaan came back his home. He was tired. He slept and saw a dream. Someone was saying to him. It is your reward of honesty and then a beautiful golden watch was seen by him. He caught the watch tightly and asked,its for me really its for me.

His mother came to his room. He was sleeping still. So she kept his watch and gone from his room. When Ayaan awoke he saw a beautiful Golden watch was at his study table. He came out from his room with that Golden watch. His mother and father were talking to each other. He asked about watch. His father replied that’s for you my son. Ayaan was so happy. His dream comes true. He said to himself. God is great. He knows everything even in the depth of heart.

Next day he was in his school with his friend Amir. Ayaan told Amir about his dream and surprise which was given to him by his father. Amir looked his watch. It was a beautiful golden watch.
Amir smilled and said, if you forget your watch at the door of mosque. I will not give you back because I have no watch. My mother is not ready to give me that watch again.

Ayaan smiled and smiled again. Amir asked to him why are you smiled. Ayaan replied that how I can tell you. It was difficult for me to be honest but I did.
Moral: Honesty is the best policy.

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