Molvi Abdul-Haq


Molvi Abdul-Haq was a leading Urdu critic, dictionary composer, litterateur, philologist and journalist. He was strong proponent of Urdu language movement. For this end, he served “Anjuman Tarqi-e-Urdu” for whole of his life therefore he was awarded with an epithet of “Baba-e-Urdu”. Moulvi Sahab was very active in Urdu literature and played a pivotal role in helping Urdu to be declared as the “National Language” of Pakistan. He left indelible marks of his serves in the history of Urdu literature. The major writings of Maulvi Abd-ul-Haq are “Khutabat-e-Abdul-Haq”, “Sir Syed Ahmad Khan”, “Urdu ki Nasho Numa Main Sufia Karaam ka Hissa”, “Chand Hum Asar” etc. Born in 1880 in Meerath and died in 1962 in Karachi.

 وشمہ خان وشمہ
About the Author: وشمہ خان وشمہ Read More Articles by وشمہ خان وشمہ: 335 Articles with 534607 views I am honest loyal.. View More