LHC RULES (VOLUME-I) Civil Courts Instructions

(Shah Nawaz Bokhari, Rawalpindi)

The Apex Court on YouTube

Today, I have succinctly Lahore High Court rules which is mentioned on volume-I. These rules are called Lahore Court Rules which has been established for smoothing working of Civil Courts in Punjab. The judges and lawyers is duty bound to adhere these rules during Court proceedings. These rules are essential to ascertain what is going on in courts and how the lawyers present their cases in Courts. It is essential for every young lawyer to know about these rules while they are practicing. These rules are guiding how courts run litigations in smooth way. The volume-I has defined procedure of institution of files and how check proper stamps which has affixed on plaints. It is duty of the court staff to check the proper court stamps and pages of the plaint. If there is missing in plaints they have right to object it and return to the petitioner or concern counsel. However, normally, the presiding officer has duty bound to check proper court fee but in lower judiciary the court staff has authorized in this behalf to verify all essential material of the plaints.

Procedure of filing and plaints: The code of civil procedure 1908 has been elaborated the filing procedure. Moreover, the Order-VI and VII and rule(2)a has precisely plaints contents while presenting in a court. The Order-VI and VII and brief more leniently view to how present a plaint in courts. The rules of adjournments in courts are predefined in LHC Rules and how lawyers may get it for further case study. Normally, the petitions, appeals, criminals cases, review has been elaborated in civil procedure code. However, the civil litigation has leniently defined for lawyers to ascertain the importance of civil procedure for presenting plaint, amendments, calling of witness, examination of evidence, examination of statements etc.

The documentation of pleadings, parawise comments/written statement has been submitted in courts to proceeds further. The rule of practice is pre-requisite for each lawyer to adhere on same pattern which is endorsed by Lahore High Court. No other procedure is acceptable for judges to run a court. The court fee is essential for each plaint except special provision has acquired by the lawyer from courts or in case of pauper suit. The execution of case proceeding is depending upon petitioner evidence and witness statements. The LHC rule has elaborated different types of cases in five volumes. The first two volumes of Lahore Court Rules has been defined civil litigations. Henceforth, volume-I and II has syllabus of Deputy Solicitor Assistant in Ministry of Law and Justice. However, the Volume-III is defined criminal litigation and procedure as well as syllabus of District Judiciary. This volume is essential for judges and prosecutors for execution of criminal cases. In spite of all this, the practicing rules should learn by young lawyers in beginning of practices. However, it has seems that only few lawyers are learning habit in initial stage.

There are different fields in the professions of law. It is pertinent to mention here that the scope of law is very vast. We cannot grip easily. Those who have habit of learning new things should adopt this profession otherwise it is waste of time and money. It is most difficult fields in the world. This is golden opportunity for learning of youngster to learn from books, internet and other social media plate form which has not available for our ancestors.

shah Nawaz Bokhari
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