Top 10 Ideas make Eid-ul-Adha special

(Abdul Moeed, Rawalpindi)

For those who have Muslim families celebrating Eid with them, it's easy to enjoy this blessed day. For others though, Eid can be a lonely affair.
For instance, if you're a new Muslim, while other Muslims happily hug their parents, spouses,or kids and wish them "Advance Eid Mubarak", you may be left standing in the prayer hall, alone.
Also, if you're a recent immigrant or student here with family back home, Eid day can be depressing, since you'll be missing your family and feeling there is little reason to celebrate.
Or, you could have just moved to another city and are unfamiliar with the local Muslim community. That means standing aside as those who know one another hug and share Eid greetings.
Muslims have a great tradition of hospitality, but during the short Eid salat time, there is a whole lot people have to attend to. They may be just shy or busy with children. Maybe it is you who need to take an initiative.
Here are ideas to help you avoid experiencing the Eid blues:

Top 10 Ideas:

1. Go as often as you can to the mosque

This is a great way to meet other Muslims on a regular basis. Participate in Masjid activities, whether it's classes, Iftars during Ramadan or other programs. If other Muslims see you often enough, you can strike up a conversation after prayers and become friends or at least good acquaintances with some. Then you can make arrangements to see each other on Eid day.

2. Help out at the mosque

This is not only a great way to gain the blessings of Allah, but it's also how you can get to know other Muslims more closely. You can, for instance, work with the Masjid administration, asking them if there is anything you can do to help with the mosque's activities or administration. Or you can suggest the next idea

3. Be an "usher" on Eid day

Being an usher means working with other volunteers as a representative of the mosque, to make sure lines are straight for prayers, kids are babysat and things generally run smoothly on Eid day.

4. Look for others in your situation

The pool of people you'll meet on Eid day will be even greater than the number you meet at the mosque regularly, as many more Muslims turn out for Eid prayers. Take advantage of this. Look for the other brothers/sisters who you notice standing awkwardly apart from everyone else, and approach them. They are most probably missing relatives or new in the community. Invite them over and spend the day with them.

5. Plan ahead

This can't be stressed enough. Planning ahead for Eid has two advantages.
First, if you come up with a couple of ideas of what you want to do on Eid day, you'll have enough time to plan for them. For example, let's say there's a brother/sister you know who works in the same department as you. You've exchanged Salams but haven't really gotten to know each other.
If you plan ahead, you can call them a few days in advance and arrange to hang out together on Eid day.

6. Take the day off from school/work

Got to do an experiment at the lab? Did the boss put you on the weekend shift? Rearrange your schedule. Eid can't really be special if you're working that day.

7. Read about the Sunnahs of Eid ul-Fitr and do them

This will enhance the spiritual significance of the day, and will remind you that Eid is not just a day off work or school but an important Muslim holiday.

8. Invite others over

Even if it's that Muslim classmate you don't know very well, invite them over. Also, invite a Muslim family. If you're a student, maybe you know or have a Muslim professor. Invite him/her and the family over. If they have kids, even better, since children add life to a party. Arrange to have Halal entertainment for them ready.

9. Visit relatives and friends

Maybe you have a Muslim relative or good friend two or three hours away who you rarely see because both of you are so busy. Go and visit them on Eid. And take a gift for them or at least an Eid card. If that's not possible visit those closer to home.
10. Buy and wear new clothes
Part of the Eid fun is getting new clothes. Buy new ones if you can afford them. If not, you must have at least one or two fancy outfits. Get them washed or dry cleaned and ironed for the big day.

10. Buy and wear new clothes

Part of the Eid fun is getting new clothes. Buy new ones if you can afford them. If not, you must have at least one or two fancy outfits. Get them washed or dry cleaned and ironed for the big day.

Abdul Moeed
About the Author: Abdul Moeed Read More Articles by Abdul Moeed: 25 Articles with 68343 views Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.