Something You Know About Geo?

(Zaki Khalid, Lahore)

Something You Don't Know About Geo

The ever-booming media industry in Pakistan is making progresses and advancements by leaps and bounds, owing to the fact that their constant hot-cake national issues are being highly projected in the Western media (CNN, BBC...) in a way that makes one think "Oh, was it really that bad?"

What I am about to state forth is a short unbiased article whose purpose is not to degrade, humiliate or distort the profiles of the individuals/organization mentioned, but rather to instigate possible formulated theories on their comparisons in every reader's mind, using the information properly acquired with the help of organs of sight and sound.

Something New Related To The Geo Television Network

After completing Class XI in college (mid 2007), I decided to engage myself in a suitable occupation at some multinational or atleast well-reputed company. I didn't have any graduate degrees with me but with the references of my elder cousin brother, I soon got a job at a legal-services firm by the name of "The Western Standard" situated in Cavalry Ground, Lahore. I was to work only 2 weeks there as a legal transcripter.

What I came to know directly during this short period, was that the owner of that firm (my boss) was a very nice individual by the name of Dr. Amir. What's so cool about him? Well, turns out he is one of the children of GEO TV's owner. GEO also has shares in stock markets. Obviously, if one purchases 51% of the shares of a particular company, he's practically it's owner and hence obviously he gets to direct its future policies and business handling techniques. Same was the case with Dr. Amir. By the course of time, his father had bought more than 51% of GEO's shares and hence became it's owner.

After careful questioning every now and then, I got to learn more about his personality. He was a slim person, sporting a French beard, with a bald head and tons and tons of wealth. Though he never boasted about his richness in front of me and the other employees.

Dr. Amir was not a medical doctor. He had obtained his Doctorate in International Business & Marketing from the London Metropolitan University years back. Because of knowledge since Matriculation days about the nefarious activities of the secret - and their associated societies, I questioned him regarding the Freemasons, to which he coolly replied to me with the following words: "You know what, some of my best colleagues and friends in the University were Freemasons themselves".

This statement had shocked me till the nerve, but today as I write this little article, I come to realise that it isn't necessary that if a person has Masons as friends, he's a Mason too or he's influenced by them. But anyways, the thought was constantly encroaching on my mind that I had to investigate more.

I came to know, furthermore, that his elder sister was the Managing Director of the GEO Network based in Islamabad. In those days, the news was still hot that "POLICE ENTERED AND BOMBARDED GEO TV'S ISLAMABAD OFFICE". I asked Dr. Amir a few days later about the whole incident. He replied again, in that cool tone: "The Government and Musharraf compensated us for the loss by paying us lots of money" To which I replied: "Is that it? You agreed just at that one point?" He nodded and shrugged hopelessly, which suggested to me that the whole incident was just some kind of a topi drama (false-play) aimed at "stupidizing" (a new word I've coined) the masses. A few days, I came to know that Dr. Amir's younger sibling was planning to launch a kids channel by the name of "Wikkid TV".

These are just some memory imprints. I can only guess what the real intentions of GEO are. Anyways, Allah Knows Best!

P.S. After a few days, I felt uncomfortable and decided on not going to the office thereafter.

Zaki Khalid
About the Author: Zaki Khalid Read More Articles by Zaki Khalid: 7 Articles with 18560 views Writer, Orator and Student of Islam & Comparative Religion, International Geopolitics, Defence, Intelligence, sharia-endorsed spiritualism and Pakista.. View More