Sweet Mango Chutney (Mithi Aam Chutney) Recipe

Add this delicious Sweet Mango Chutney (Mithi Aam Chutney) in your diary so you can prepare it whenever you want to. Get the required ingredients and method posted here. You can make it fresh and serve it hot to your guests. Feedback is welcome.


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naila from Karachi
  1. 2 lbs. half-ripe mangoes
  2. 4 tablespoons salt
  3. 4 pints (U.S. 10 cups) water 2 oz. fresh root ginger
  4. 6 cloves garlic
  5. 1 lb. sugar
  6. 1 pint (U.S. 21 cups) vinegar ½ tablespoon chilli powder
  7. ½ tablespoon garam masala 4 oz. raisins
  • Peel and cube mangoes. Make a brine from 4 table-spoons salt and 4 pints (U.S. 10 cups) water and soak mango pieces in it overnight. The next day drain well and dry. Chop ginger and garlic very finely. In a heavy pan dissolve the sugar and vine¬gar, bring to the boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Add mangoes, ginger and garlic and cook for another 15 minutes, stirring constantly, before adding the remaining spices and raisins. Cook till mixture thickens, remove from heat, cool and bottle in airtight jars.
Reviews & Discussions

Sweet Mango Chutney this is so tasty chutney recipe for make at home with the awesome taste because it is so love of all of the family members that the everyone like to eat.I try many recipes and I found this recipes is quit simple and easy.

  • Amber, MULTAN
  • Fri 10 Apr, 2020

Sweet Mango Chutney is very useful to serve with suitable foods, french fries as well I also like to serve it with daal because it gives sweet and sour taste which I really like and wants to eat. I preserve it in the jar.

  • Amber, Rawalpindi
  • Thu 09 Apr, 2020