(Sajid Hussain, )

Polio the crippling disease has already killed and paralyzed hundreds of thousands around the globe,But very limited number of people know that one of the main cause of circulating Polio Virus is Water pollution(positive Sewage water samples).

According to available figure of End Polio,data thirty years ago during year 1988(A.D) Polio disease was endemic in 125 countries across the globe by killing or paralyzing more than 350000 people annually. After that due to formation and efforts of Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) by starting Vaccination/campaign of both Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV two drops)and Inactivated Polio Vaccine(IPV) included in some countries in Routine Immunization with addition to this by minimizing the water pollution and improving sanitation system in many countries after taking Environmental samples of sewage water which is the best breading place for growth and spreading of Polio Virus remarkable decrease occurred in Polio disease in last three decades.

Due to above mentioned efforts especially by minimizing the water pollution and improving sanitation system in many countries after taking Environmental samples of sewage water which is the best breading place for growth and spreading of Polio Virus.NOW according to latest figures in year 2018 Polio disease is eradicated from entire world except two neighbors countries Pakistan and Afghanistan as compared to 125-countries in year 1988 thirty years ago.

Worth mentioning in Year 2014-16 Polio was endemic in three countries Pakistan Afghanistan and Nigeria, But Nigeria eradicated Polio Pakistan and Afghanistan are the two countries having Polio which is matter of a shame that in this era of 21st century when all countries across the globe even Nigeria and African Countries eliminated polio while Pakistan and Afghanistan are still endemic....

Regarding Sewage water samples In areas where polio cases occur, samples are taken from the soil and sewage for testing to see if there is evidence of the wild polio virus. For example, during this year in 2018 there have been 15 positive environmental test results in Afghanistan and similarly positive sewage samples results are coming from some major cities Karachi,Peshawar Kohat etc etc of Pakistan which is alarming fact. The continuing positive environmental samples are troubling and a big obstacle.

For complete eradication of Polio from Pakistan & Afghanistan and both to become Polio free countries with addition to three core strategies a)Quaility Campaigns NID & SNID of Oral Polio Vaccine.

b)Strengthening Routine Immunization in which with addition to OPV Inactivated Polio Vaccine(IPV) is also injected.

c). Strengthening Surveillance System/ Acute Flaccid Paralysis(AFP) as well as Environmental Surveillance Sewage Water, the key factor is also having a clean Environment especially by ending or minimizing Sewage Water pollution.By strengthen Environmental Surveillance Sewage water samples to completely eradicate Polio from two neighbors Pakistan & Afghanistan which will result the entire World Free of Polio.

For this purpose Governments of both countries with addition to other segments of society and different stakeholders especially community awareness and advocacy regarding ending Sewage water Pollution especially water pollution is needed which is root of all major diseases especially spread of Polio virus and disease a big global threat.

Thanking You.

Sajid Hussain
About the Author: Sajid Hussain Read More Articles by Sajid Hussain: 6 Articles with 5285 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.