Jash ne Bahara QAU

(Haad Raza, Islamabad)

Quaid e Azam University is regarded as one of the top ranked Universities of Pakistan and is rightly so, because the research conducted in this institute out ranks many other. Spring 2018 Semester which started from 18th February was probably the start of one of the most debatable fights among the Academic Staff Association and The Vice Chancellor of QAU. But after about a month of teacher’s strike from teaching classes which include two weeks of no transportation, the conflict was resolved to a better end. Frustrated, angered and mentally exhausted students needed a break from all the unnecessary commotion. Thanks to the History Society of QAU, they immediately announced the “Cultural Funfair” which was going to be held in the university after 3 years.

Funfair was named “ Jash ne Baharan” which means the Festival of Spring. This included 26 stalls ranging from food stalls, jewelry, love jail, archery, cultural items, traditional clothing and many other. In the center was a huge tent to provide shade and about 1/4th ground was allocated to horse/camel riding. BUT the best part of the carnival has to be the Swinging Boat Ride. Being the only amusement park themed ride, it was the most crowded and it remained like that throughout the tournament.
It was a very nice place to walk around in the open while enjoying the awesome atmosphere. It wasn’t a very big event but gave a huge opportunity to all the Entrepreneurs and businessmen to open a small outlet. Many students and teachers would get to know about their product and they can also market it on the stage, through banners and possible the best way “word of mouth”. Many students who have graduated set up stalls selling many different items like food and their cultural dresses and house hold items. To ease your mind, this was much needed in the University. It helped the teachers, staff and the authorities to relieve some tension and just ease into the ongoing function. All in all, it was a much needed break from your ordinary hectic routine and to explore different cultures, make new friends and enjoy with,people.

Haad Raza
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