Line Of Commerece

(Asma, Bhimber Ak)

In these days'' line of control'' and ''line of commerce '' is the main topic about kashmir.

Why our PM did said line of commerce? Because kashmiris are also normal humans like Indians and Pakistanis.

The Indian army is killing kashmiris and Pakistanis are celebrating their independence day together. Its mean LOCon and LOCom are really important. if the Pakistanis and Indians have forgotten the killers of their forefathers then what is the problems with kashmiris though both kashmirs are a part of one body.

Because Indian controlled kashmir and Pakistani controlled kashmir are the parts of one body. {AJK and Indian kashmir is a body}.but now they are like a paralyzed body. so, when both parts tries to live together both ruled gov. (India, Pak) became anger. There are some reasons.

1-kashmiris mean healthy, intelligent and peaceful people .simply kashmiri, Americans, Indians and Pakistanis have their own identity but in the whole world both ruled govt. Made an impression of poor and helpless people about kashmiri nation.

2-there are a lot of natural blessings in both kashmiris like rivers, fruits, trees, manpower etc but the ruled govts are getting benefits without any hard work. so how they can leave this area.

3- the captain of Pakistani blind cricket is from bhimber ak but is called Pakistani. I want to say kashmiri people don’t have their own identity.

4-there is only one university for azad kashmir.but in just Lahore, there are a lot of highly education centers and our students get education on high fees .simply the life for getting high education is very difficult for azad kashmiris.

5-AK and JAMU KASHMIR should become one part .an independent country. every body should say in the favor of it.

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