World Federation of Islamic Missions (WFIM) Introduction

(Abu Abdul Quddoos Muhammad Yahya, Karachi)

Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies

The organization named “World Federation of Islamic Missions” was established in 1958 on a sound footing so that it may strengthen the missionary cause of Islam. WFIM has developed its activities according to its objectives. The main objectives of the World Federation of Islamic Missions are as under:
1. To serve in all parts of the World through the exposition, propagation and implementation of teachings and ideas of Islam;
2. To establish and maintain Islamic mission and other Humanitarian institutions in different countries for the propagation of Islam.
3. To establish and maintain Institutions for training Islamic Missionaries, scholars and Muslim Social Workers;
4. To conduct research on Islam and other religions and ideologies;
5. To publish magazine, newspapers and other literature propagating the cause of Islam;
6. To establish and maintain mosque, lecture halls, libraries and other institutions for Islamic cultural activities.
This Islamic Center Complex Comprises:
1. Mosque: Jama Masjid al-Markaz al-Islami
2. Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies
3. Darul Hifz
4. Darul Qur’an (separate for Boys & Girls)
5. Dr. F R Ansari Academy
6. Islamic Research and Publications Bureau
7. Qaderiyah Library
8. Health Centers
9. Darul Ifta
10. Helping poor needy girls in marriage expenditure
Jama Masjid al-Markaz ul Islami
Jama Masjid al-Markaz ul Islami a beautiful & the largest mosque in the locality with towering minaret & a large prayer hall (fully air-conditioned), Islamic Centre Mosques can accommodate more than two thousands worshipers at a time. It also serves as an Eidgah. The whole mosque is painted white. It has a beautiful white marbles floor.
Darul Hifz:
At the Islamic Centre, Darul Hifz and Tajweed has been established for memorizing the Holy Qur’an. At present a good number of students are memorizing the Holy Qur’an. Boarding and lodging facilities are also provided to the students. Dar-ul-Hifz Center is exceptionally selective about its instructors. The services of highly specialized Qurra are hired who are among the best in their field.
Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies
Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies (Aleemiyah Islamic Degree College) is a unique institute where Dars-e-Nizami (Islamic Theological Course) & Takhassus along with modern education (Intermediate to Ph.D.) is provided. It has been active and productive since its very foundation in preparing fully qualified Ulemas highly equipped with Islamic Learning and well abreast of Modern Thought to be able to work as devoted missionaries of Islam both in Pakistan and abroad. The Institute has designed a seven-year course consisting of Islamic learning and modern philosophical and social thoughts. Training & producing scholars in Islamic Fiqh, Hadith, Tafseer, Comparative Religion & Modern Subjects, to carry forward the message of Islam. Earlier in the past besides students from Pakistan it also enrolled students from Africa and other countries with suitable hostel facilities.
The other distinctive feature is the adoption of English, side by side, with Arabic, as the medium of instruction. The Institute has its own hostel for the students from different corners of Pakistan, where free boarding and lodging facilities are provided to the students of the Institute.
Dr. F R Ansari Academy
It is an English medium school for boys and girls being run on modern lines of education with special emphasis on Nazra Qur’an & Hifz. It is registered and recognized by concerned Govt. department of education. Dr. F R Ansari Academy offers one of the most varied and well-structured study program for the lower middle class. It strives to create a competitive environment where students are encouraged to excel in all areas of education including academics, sports and extracurricular. The educational system at Dr. F R Ansari Academy stimulates intellectual curiosity and exploration spirit. The school believes to encourage open mindedness and the release of intellectual potential in young generation. Students are encouraged to be self-reliant critical thinkers, who realize that learning is a lifelong process.
Research & Publication
Authentic stuff on Islam written by eminent authors is produced in English and Urdu. These books are provided at very nominal price to individuals and institutions, on request. A Monthly journal “The Minaret” a research-oriented magazine is published in English every month containing articles on Islam and other social, intellectual and economic subjects viewed in Islamic viewpoint.
Health Care Units
Provision of health care for poor and needy through Homoeopathic Clinics numbering EIGHT in Karachi under the supervision of qualified doctors.

Abu Abdul Quddoos Muhammad Yahya
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