Climate Changes: Act Now before it’s too late

(Babar Mehmood Taroq, Sargodha)

The term climate change is commonly used interchangeably with the term Global warming, however, "the phrase 'climate change' is growing in most popular use to 'global warming' as a result of it helps convey that there are different changes additionally to rising temperatures like rainfall, wind, land surfaces, oceans and ice sheets." The climate change may result from natural factors; such as changes in the sun's intensity or slow changes in the Earth's orbit around the sun, natural processes within the climate system and most importantly the human activities that change the atmosphere's composition (e.g. through burning fossil fuels) and also the land surface (e.g. deforestation, reforestation, urbanization, desertification, etc.) As the climate changes are taking place, extreme weather events are getting frequent and intense, sea levels are rising, prolonged droughts are putting pressure on food crops, and many animal and plant species are being driven to destruction. It’s onerous to imagine that climate change has a direct consequence on people’s health, likewise as impacting the atmosphere.

A concern by some countries is they can’t do things — even if they wanted to — because if other countries are not subjected to carbon emission reduction targets then they will lose out competitively. The idea that economic process and climate action are incompatible might sound hardheaded and realistic, but it’s actually a fuzzy-minded misconception. If we have a tendency to ever get past the special interests and beliefs that have blocked action to save lots of the world, we’ll find that it’s cheaper and easier than almost anyone imagines. The better part is that we are not alone. People, communities, cities, businesses, schools, religion teams and different organizations are taking actions. At personal level we can take the below stated actions to play our part for retard the climate changes.

Green Your Commute and cut back your transportation emissions, in return make yourself healthier, happier and save some bucks. Whenever and wherever you can take a public transit, ride a bike, Car-share, Switch to an electric or hybrid vehicle or simply walk your way to destination.

Use energy wisely — save money, too! The small changes you make add up: the simple things like changing to energy-efficient light bulb, unplugging computers, TVs and other electronics when you’re not using them, wash clothes in cold or warm (not hot) water. Dryers are energy monsters, so hang dry when you can. Look for the Energy Saving labels when buying new appliances. Winterize your home to prevent heat from escaping, in return less usage of heating systems. Get an energy audit for home or workplace to identify where you can make the most energy-saving gains.

Make the three R's of sustainability part of your daily life - Reduce: consume less, more efficiently. - Reuse: take advantage of second-hand markets, to give new life to items that you don't use anymore or find something that someone else has gotten rid of that you need. You'll be saving money and reducing your consumption. Bartering is also a practical solution. - Recycle: packaging, waste from electronics, etc.

Cut down on the use of fossil fuels and Raise your voice for promoting the renewable energy sector, like if the renewable energy sector got the subsidies that fuel industries receive then the prices of renewables would be even below they're already changing into. This might have some political science edges, too. For example, less reliance on fossil fuels might facilitate cut back military and political science involvement in different elements of the globe, which itself is expensive. With less want for fossil fuels from volatile regions of the globe, the support given to friendly autocratic and dictatorial regimes might dwindle down.

A healthy planet and stable climate aren’t political problems. It’s all regarding families, communities, energy systems and humanity’s future. It’s necessary to urge everybody on board, working toward climate solutions. People are typically influenced by friends than by consultants, so make sure to talk about climate change with friends and family. Tell your stories — regarding changes you’ve seen wherever you reside, how climate change has affected you, and the changes you’re making to lessen your impact. Encourage friends and family to explore the highest ten things they'll do regarding global climate change.

Babar Mehmood Taroq
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