Jacinda Arden PM New Zealand the world peace leader

(Dr.Syed Mehboob, Karachi)

There are many rulers in the world, there are many politicians but there are very few who turn the tide of history in a way as done by Jacinda Arden the Prime Minister of New Zealand. The way she had acted after terrorist attack on Masjid e Noor is exemplary. She emerged as the Global Peace Leader, preacher of Humanity; she proved the dignity of humanity, rejected bias, hatred, extremism, terrorism, racism nit by words but also by her action. She won the hearts of 1.5 billion Muslims around the world. She spread the message of love, peace, cooperation and paved the way for cooperation between the civilizations. World rulers especially Donald Trump and Narender Modi must learn a lesson from this young leader. The terrorist killed fifty people in cold blood in Al Noor Masjid while they were offering Friday prayer. The terrorist was admirer and influenced by the ideas of United States President Donald Trump. She said those who have been killed are our and those who are killers, hate mongers are not our and they do not have any place in New Zealand.

The families of Noor Masjid martyrs also reacted and responded in a unique way and made a history by giving a message of love, harmony, patience and tolerance to the people and followed the example of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and announced to forgive to terrorist. Definitely this gruesome act of terrorism was the result of hatred campaign by western media against Islam and Muslims and Islamophobia but the response of bereaved families paved the way to change the mindset of people and it is hoped that interfaith dialogue would now be more effect able and people of different faith and religion would come closer. Islam is the religion of peace, tolerance and humanity. The prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was sent as the blessings for mankind. Every Muslim is bound to respect Prophet Christ and whenever a Muslim recites the name of Christ as Hazrat Esa, he or she uses Salutation “Alehai Salam” peace be upon him. Similarly it is expected that people of other religion would also show their respect for Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) as done by Prime Minister of New Zealand. The sacred blood of Masjid Alnoor’s martyred opened the doors of Islam in New Zealand and their blood spread fragrance of love, peace and unity. All the peace loving people now consider the New Zealand as ideal place and want their own countries to follow the example of New Zealand. New Zealand’s parliament’s session was inaugurated by the recitation of Holy Quran of Pakistan origin scholar Maulana Nizam ul Huq Thanvi. On Friday, 22nd March 2019 was a historical day when New Zealand radios and televisions broadcasted Azan (Calling for the prayer). Thousands of people gathered outside the masjids to express solidarity with Muslims.
Naeem Rasheed, a Pakistani origin Ph.D scholar and his son Talha Naeem sacrificed their lives resisting and trying to save the lives of other people. Naeem is being now considered a “HERO” of both the New Zealand and Pakistan. Government of Pakistan announced “Nishan e Pakistan “for him, the highest civil award of Pakistan.

People of Pakistan love, admire and acclaim Prime Minister of New Zealand and invited her Excellency to visit to Pakistan where whole Pakistani nation is ready to giver warm and historical welcome. Amil Wyss ex Consul General of Switzerland in Karachi, Pakistan rightly said” Pakistanis are the leader of the hospitality of the world” and if PM New Zealand visits Pakistan she will witness herself. Pakistan is the only nation which sacrificed 70,000 lives in its fight against terrorism and defeated terrorists and hate mongers. New Zealand and Pakistan have bright prospects to join hands to promote peace, tolerance and to enhance bilateral trade and investment.

About Prime Minister of New Zealand
Jacinda Arden was born on 25th July, 1980. She is serving as the 40th and current Prime Minister of New Zealand since October, 2017. She has also served as the leader of the Labour Party since 1st August, 2017. After graduating from University of Waikato in 2001, Arden began her career working as a researcher of the office of Prime Minister Helen Clark. In 2008, she was elected president of the International Union of Socialist Youth. She is credited with increasing her party’s rating in opinion poll. Ideologically Arden describes herself as a social democrat and a progressive. She is the world’s youngest female head of government having taken office at the age of 37. Her father Arden worked as a police officer. Her mother Laurel Arden worked as school catering assistant. She graduated from University of Waikato with bachelor of communication studies in politics and public relations. Arden joined Labour party at the age of 17 and become a senior figure in the young Labour sector of the party.

She did question Tony Blair about the invasion of Iraq at an event in New Zealand in 2011.In December 2017 , Arden voiced support for the UNO resolution, criticizing US President Donald Trump decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, saying that some decisions that we saw by international actors like the United States recently turned us backward, not forward. She praised the UN for its multilateral role and expressed support for the world’s youth.

After barbarous, heinous attack by a terrorist at Masjid Al Noor she stood with Muslims like a rock, she offered condolences and stated that the terrorists have no place in New Zealand. She described it as well planned terrorist attack, she announced a period of national mourning.

She described capitalism “a blatant failure “due to the extent of homelessness in New Zealand.

Arden has voiced support for a two state solution to resolve the Israel-Palestinian conflict. She has condemned the deaths of Palestinians during protest at the Gaza border. If the world follows her example the peace and tranquility could be restored in the world.

Dr.Syed Mehboob
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