Thar Needs University

(AMIT, Mithi)


As we all know that, Tharparkar district is as much developed district as other districts of Sindh. However, despite of that development and furtherance, we still do not have University and our education is very limited to intermediate level.

Because of this lack of university, most of students limit their study at intermediate level and cannot get their education which they want. Some parents are financially lacked so, they cannot afford to send their sons or daughters to other districts and compel their sons or daughters to cease their study. While some parents are reluctant to send their daughters to other districts due to security issues so, either the parents choose to cease their study or prefer college side graduation for their sons and daughters. And college side graduation is far behind than University education; students go to the college only at the time of examination and just study for the sake of degree so, this is not an education which they would get in University. So, due to the limited accesses of education, many girls and boys cremate their desires of studying further education.

I know what kinds of troubles a boy or girl faces when he or she leaves home in a phase of education because I am encountering it too. Most of Thari boys and girls leave their home and go to Karachi, Hyderabad or somewhere else for graduation and their parents are always worried for their safety. Every time their parents listen some gruesome news on television or newspaper, their worries get doubled so it means they are always anxious for their child.

So, we are in dire need of University. If we can have University then poor students can continue their education; parents can break their reluctancy of sending their daughters to other areas and can continue their education; we will not have to go to other cities for our education and parents will not have to see their child to leave home for education.
We need university to break our limit of educational accesses; to highlight Tharparkar under the umbrella of education and show the world that we Thari are not backward in any sense and we have enough talent to compete the world.
Thank you.

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