Nadia umber lodhi

(Safia Noreen, Manchester)

Nadia Umber Lodhi -(poetess,article writer )

A poem is a form of art in which the skillful choice and arrangement of words achieves a desired emotional effect. Poet Percy Bysshe Shelly defined poetry as "the expression of the imagination." Robert Frost said that a poem forms when "an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words."

Words are the medium of poetry. In poetry, words are arranged in lines and stanzas rather than sentences and paragraphs. Lines and stanzas contribute to the visual element of a poem and enhance the reader’s overall experience by providing places to pause and rest stops to consider a change in subject matter. Another hallmark of poetry is that it uses few words to create high impact. Therefore, the poet chooses his words economically, using specific combinations of words and literary devices to produce vivid imagery and pack meaning into each line.
Today I introduce a poetess named Nadia Umber Lodhi .She is from Pakistan Islamabad. She was born in 23 July 1978 in Islamabad.She got master's degree in Literature from Punjab University Lahore. she wrote poetry and prose in Urdu and English languages .
"Poems "

"Love of A Poetess "

You are love of a poetess, my beloved,

Reflects from my words ever,

Forget you never,

My passion increase ever,

My Love decrease never ,

You are love of a poetess, my beloved

You are the Magic of a words magician,

You are the business of a pain earner,

I shall write departure, loneliness and tears,

I shall describe fears,

And earn income.

You are love of a poetess , my beloved

I shall sell dreams, earn profit,

How can I gain loss,

No Never, my dear

I sold my heart, my dear

One and Only wealth I have.

Where we were before words ,

Before Universe, before Earth ,

In shape of black mud ,

Save Inside puddle,

Earth ,fire ,water and wind ,

Surge all things for us ,

But we Always prattle,

Like windows rattle,

"Impact of blood "

Impact of blood is more powerful than rearing ,

It's calculated decision, ,

History always repeats it ,

Training Never compete nature ,

Affection never beats Impact of blood ,

Impact of blood is more powerful than rearing,

Kids are human beings ,

They are not sinners ,

They are innocents ,

Please leave them in their fantasyland,

Do not adopt them ,

Do not break their tiny hearts ,

Don't break their Beautiful dreams ,

Please don't.

"Mother" .

God created World , so beautiful ,

men and women , so Wise ,

But He created mother selfless ,

Mother sacrifices her whole life ,

Her energy ,her youth , her time '

She wakes up during night ,

She never sleep ,no rest ,

Always busy with toddler,

She gave her whole life ,

No reward , no gain ,

She Is like A god,

Generous, forgiving and Bright.
Father's Day

One day in whole year,
Can't define the affection of father ,
With father No fears ,
No worries no tears ,
Besides father every day is awesome,
Flowers surrounded by blossom,
You can't measure struggle of a father ,
Every day is Father's Day ,
With him , Every moment is a hope of Ray ,
I love my dad ,
He is generous like god ,
He is kind like Lod,
Oh my dear father I love you so .

France's Pritchett, a well-known critic of Urdu and professor at Columbia University, writes: “To me ghazal's reliance on its wonderful networks of images and conventions makes it very clear Urdu Ghazal by Nadia umber lodhi ...

Nadia Umber Lodhi is poetess ,article writer and editor. Nadia umber Lodhi has created a niche for herself on account of her themes, style, language, social concerns and above all the maturity of her expression.The
secret to the poetry of Nadia umber lay not only in its prose and beauty but in her deep understanding of the human psyche and the simple facts of life, which she laid out for the general public through numerous famous writings.

Safia Noreen .

Safia Noreen
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