Operation Swift Retort (Pakistani Animated Film)

(DJ Kamal Mustafa, )

Film Name: Operation Swift Retort

Film Director & Producer : DJ Kamal Mustafa

Vfx & Animation : DJ Kamal Mustafa

Editing & Voice : DJ Kamal Mustafa

Film Story Written & Ideas : DJ Kamal Mustafa

Length Of Film : 24 Minutes

Resolution : 4K Ultra HD

Official Post / Poster / Stills / Film Link: https://www.djkamalmustafa.com/operation-swift-retort/


Everyone knows how the Pakistan Air Force showed the stars in the day on 27th February 2019 and destroyed two Indian Air Force aircraft. Yes, two Pakistani Air Force pilots, named “Hassan Siddiqui” and “Nouman Ali Khan”, destroyed the Indian aircraft “MIG 21” and “SU 30”, and thanks to them, the Indian Air Force pilot “Abhinandan Varthaman” survived, Caught. To pay homage to the same thing, Pakistani filmmaker “DJ Kamal Mustafa” made an animated film called “Operation Swift Retort” and in less than two months, produced the film and filmed it the same way as it happened on 26 February to 27 February 2019. Movie duration is 24 minutes & the film can be seen on youtube. Here is a story of this movie.

The beginning of the film shows how the Indian Air Force entered in Balakot on the night of February 26, 2019, and dropped its payload at Jabba’s place. It fell into a beautiful jungle. Jabba forest was destroyed. India propagated that 350 terrorists were killed but in fact, there was no casualty, but Pakistan lost a beautiful forest which included trees, plants, animals, etc. After that, the spokesperson of the Pakistani Armed forces Mr. Major General Asif Ghafoor exposed the Indian propaganda. The next part of the film shows that a meeting was held at the Pak Army Headquarter at 8 am on February 26, 2019, in which all the military generals were present and decided that Pakistan will give befitting response to India very soon, whole Pakistani public was stood with Pakistan army.

On February 27, 2019, early in the morning Pakistani Air Force radar finds some Indian jets moment, the Air Force officers reviewed the situation at their headquarter in which they found two Indian aircraft on Pakistan‘s radar. He then ordered his pilots to go to the place immediately. The location “Azaad Kashmir”, “Bhimber” appeared on the radar. After that Pakistani pilots, Mr. Hassan Siddiqui and Nouman Ali Khan who’s having JF 17 Thunders aircraft were ready to fill the air.

(Time 27 February 2019 Location Pakistan). The two pilots got ready and left with their aircraft in the air, some distance away they were approached by an Indian aircraft, equipped with a missile, by Hassan Siddiqui and Nauman Ali Khan, and pursued the jets. As the jet reached on the vacant ground, Hassan Siddiqui heard a voice in on his wireless set. on the other hand, the officers of the Pak Air Force were present. “Hello, Hassan Siddiqui. Can you hear my voice if yes lock the Indian jet, engaged the target and fire immediately.“ Hassan Siddiqui immediately dropped the missile and went straight to the Indian jet. Within a few moments, the SU 30 exploded, and the Indian Air Craft fell and caught fire. Immediately thereafter, a voice was heard by Hasan Siddiqui on the wireless by the Pak Air Force officers, “Well Done Hassan Siddiqui now your next target is another jet of India which is MIG 21, chase the jet, engage and fire” After that Hassan Siddiqui and Nouman Ali Khan chased India‘s MIG 21 and simultaneously locked their six targets on the missile range. After a few moments, both pilots got a voice over the wireless. “Hi have you locked all your targets, and Okay drop your missiles in the empty space, you need to lock the target of Indian Army brigade headquarter but don’t fire the missiles there, we want to tell India that we can do everything & anything, but We are a peaceful nation “Hearing this, Pakistani pilots Hassan Siddiqui and Nouman Ali Khan set targets and after a while Hassan Siddiqui asked the officers” Sir target is locked waiting for your command“ And the voice said “Fire immediately and destroy.” At the same time, missiles were fired from Hassan Siddiqui‘s JF 17 and destroyed the Indian MIG 21. The Indian aircraft fell to the ground and caught fire. With this, the Indian pilot fell on the ground.

The last part of the film shows how locals are beating “Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman” and asking about him, Shortly afterward, the Pak Army personnel arrive there and, upon seeing this, AbhiNandan was scared and bend his hands in front of Pak army, the Pak Army personnel saves him and arrested him. Then the Air Force Pilots reached alive with their air crafts and then Mr. Major General Asif Ghafoor giving a briefing to the media about this operation and run the Indian pilot confessional video statement. Pak Air Force named this operation as “Operation Swift Retort” which is also called the Surprise Day, Today, thanks to the Pakistan Army and the Pakistan Air Force, including the Pakistan Navy, we are breathing free air in Pakistan just because of them, May Allah shower his blessing always in Pakistan Ameen.

Thank You

DJ Kamal Mustafa
About the Author: DJ Kamal Mustafa Read More Articles by DJ Kamal Mustafa: 2 Articles with 2462 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.