While pondering for the best most profitable business I wondered whether it would be oil,defense industry, construction industry or maybe drugs, but it was learnt that none of the above qualified against religion.
Yes, maybe surprising for you, region is the most profitable business of them all.
Religion annually contributes about $1.2 trillion dollars of socio-economic value to the United States economy, according to a 2016 study by the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation. That is equivalent to being the world’s 15th-largest national economy, outpacing nearly 180 other countries and territories. It’s more than the global annual revenues of the world’s top 10 tech companies, including Apple, Amazon and Google.
its a business of faith and fear, if one is lonely give away charity, when one has a family again give away charity, no matter how rich or poor one is, charity always thrives. fear, success, failure, ups and downs, faith, after life all have close knit ties with charity and religion.
A study conducted by Pakistan Center for philanthropy shows that Pakistanis give around Rs240 billion (more than $2 billion) annually to charity.
And the second big religious business hub is Shrines, As per the Religious Affairs and Auqaf department of the federal government, there are more than 150 registered shrines in the country with the majority Page 117 located in Sindh and Punjab. But the list given on the department's website records only 99 shrines, In Sindh 42, Punjab 41, KPK 9, and 7 in balochistan. there are different types of charity at shrines across our provinces. Cash donation is the most prevalent practice throughout the country. Punjab has cash donation as high as 90 percent while the lowest cash donation rate is in KPK which is 64 percent. Sindh and Baluchistan’s cash donation ratio is 76 percent and 81 percent respectively.Here a question arise what is the motivation behind that much donation or you can say charity, In response to the question about the motivation behind giving at shrines, majority of the people (61 percent and 56 percent respectively) in Punjab and Baluchistan reported that they donate at shrines due to the fear of God or as a religious obligation. But, in KPK, affordability is the main factor (36 percent) that drives people to give at shrines. Vast variations in the opinions of the respondents in three provinces is reflective of the fact that people from different ethnicities, religious sects or may be from cultural backgrounds show their reverence to shrines not out of a single unanimous reason.