Personal Development Tools

(Luqman Ch, Rahim yar khan)

Self-assessment and reflection tools to guide your personal development.

" Sound wisdom; as true these days as once it had been 1st spoken.

Career medicine is happy to bring you a variety of self-assessment and reflection tools to guide your personal development.

Herzberg proposes that job satisfaction consists of two elements; "hygiene factors" and "motivation" factors.

Hygiene factors relate to base level, body factors like pay, work atmosphere and alternative edges or facilities related to the task.

Motivation factors square measure a lot of aligned with factors like the degree of autonomy and deciding capability related to employment.

This short fifteen item survey covers each hygiene and motivation factors.

decide your risk of stress-related ill health.

How resilient square measure you once it involves coping with the pressures, tensions, and stresses of life?

Use this Personal Resilience Assessment Tool to get a lot of concerning why you'll respond to the approach you are doing.

Research suggests that ladies bring a special "mix" of qualities to leadership than that delivered to leadership by men.

These qualities associated a lot of powerfully with girls, also are {increasingly|progressively|more and a lot of} seen as more suited to a dynamical work.

The skunk Internal-External management Scale measures our sense of management over self and life events.
Luqman Ch
About the Author: Luqman Ch Read More Articles by Luqman Ch: 3 Articles with 2576 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.