Education Is The Master Key Of Development

(Rizwan Arshad, Lahore)

Education is the master key of development. It is one of the most powerful instruments for reducing poverty and inequality and lays a foundation for sustained economic growth.

Education plays a key role in the progress of every nation. By the witness of history it is proved that only those nations survived in the world that placed education into first priority and as their national target. Pakistan came into being on 14th August 1947, but, still our literacy rate is below 53%. Today, when half of the country’s population is deprived on basic needs of education; the higher education institutions i.e. universities are said to start Musicology at Post graduate level.

According to report of Economic Survey, this was conducted regarding to current fiscal year that there is no facility of electricity in more than 107500 schools of the country. No drinking water in 68000 schools, no facility of toilets in 82000 schools, the number of institutions not having the building and four wall boundary is 82000 even more than it. The government planned that it would achieve the 60% literacy rate of total population. There are 207000 total institutions from primary to university level and among them, there are about 187500 primary and middle schools and 103 universities in the country. Approximately, 2 crore 90 lakh and 900 students studying in these institutions; the notable point in this regard is that there are round about 1107000 teachers who teach in above mentioned number of institutions. It means that there is only one teacher for 263 students.

The prime Minister of Pakistan is claiming that 86% of primary age children are going to schools whereas, the report of the World Bank has denied it. It asserts that only 50% of primary level students have access to elementary education and that too with a great difficulty. When this number reaches the primary to matric level, it begins to decrease rapidly. The government has never paid any attention to this tragedy. The government claims that 4% of GNP has been allocated for education but 2.2. there is an enormous increase in the number of unemployed youth especially it has more increased in this year 2006 as compare to 2002. 10% unemployment in matric passed students and 18% in graduates has increased. There are 13 lakh out of 37 lakh unemployed youths who able to seek education above matric and below graduation.

People demanded that the government must take rapid steps to solve the educational problems of the country. It is a pity that students left their studies and came on the open grounds to protect their rights. If progress in education is not seriously taken into consideration than whole of the nation will turn into of beggars. One language, one syllabus and one educational system are the right demands and government must take immediate actions for implementation of these. The government is treating education as a business. If the one billion of rupees of Iqra Sarcharge were spend on education the majority of our children could become literate. The ban on students politics is a violation of judicial orders. The government must conduct the elections of unions in educational institutions. A code of conduct should be formed for the increasing private institutions. Instead of musicology classes scientific research should be encouraged. The teachers must be given their due status the society.

A.Before formulating a new education policy, a broad based Education Commission ought to be established wherein renowned educationalists, Islamic scholars, subject specialist and political figures interested in education ought to be invited.

B.This Commission while making recommendations must include the text of the Objectives Resolution, Article 31 and 37 of the Constitution.

C.The Education Policy made by this commission must be presented in the National Assembly as well as in the Senate for open discussion.

D.The recognition of Pakistan and its nation is conditioned with the history of this country, it is present in the sayings of the father of the nation, Allama Muhammad Iqbal and that the Constitution of Pakistan reflects it very well. The Pakistani nation on no account wants to allow the so called enlightened moderate Societies, NGOs and other liberal intellectuals to determine the identity of this nation. Every action against this must be nullified.

E.Through education syllabus and activity, the ideology of national thought and national Islamic civilization and self esteem must be promoted and advanced rapidly.

F. At least 5% of GDP should be allocated for education.

I hope the policy makers would move heaven and earth to end illiteracy from the country and would progress it by leaps and bounds in that we may join the list of the developed and educated countries of the world while bringing educational revolution in our country.

All these facts and figures reveal that our educational system needs to be harmonized and equalized. One language, one syllabus and one system are the solution of our problems that hinder to our national progress. Every member of the society must play his/ her role to advance the country by leaps and bounds. Let’s play our role best to preserve Islamic identity and ideology of the country. Long live Pakistan.
Rizwan Arshad
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