The world is full of hope and dismay. Everything has
advantages and disadvantages. Sometime good comes out from the bad things and
sometime it is vice versa. If we look the current scenario, we find ourselves
unable to look beyond the disaster of Corona. Everyone looks frightened about
this monstrous thing and passes much time in getting the knowledge about the
prevention from the said Corona virus. This virus is not letting anyone think
other than it. No doubt, there is a great danger which is storming over all the
humanity. But, as the law of nature, usually everything has two sides. If one
side looks drastic then the other one might be beneficial. There are some
positive results which we can derive from the dangerous virus:
1. Trying to be unsocial:
This effort benefits with the knowing about ourselves and opens the door for
peeping out in ourselves. In this busy lifestyle, everyone has gotten indulged
very much in the exterior world and has no time to look to his inner self and
this distance from the inner self is making the human beings like strayed
animals. Through the precaution of this virus, one has to confine at home and
make him unsocial, this amount of solitude pays more and one can get great
bounties. Keep in mind that the deeper one dives into inner self, more benefits
he gets.
2. Development of faith:
No matter, what religious faith one keeps. But, this time asks for to be stuck
with the Creator, as the Creator is the only power which ultimately will give
relief in these difficult days. Faith is the more powerful element in human
life. The proven way is that, one whatever expects whether good or bad, it comes
true ultimately. So, try to expect good and think that devine power will not let
us get wrecked and we will be escaped from the whirl of this disaster easily.
3. Taking special care of health:
It is looking that corona virus is not letting go the trivial ailments like
coughing, flue and even minor fever. Everyone is observing keenly to his health
and this awareness is the very good sign for maintaining a good health. As per
famous saying, health is second most prioritized object for human beings. So,
this situation has indulged everyone to take care of his health and this
attention will be fructifying in the long run.
4. Bridging the gap between haves and have nots:
As the corona virus is affecting the people without any discrimination of
affluence. So, the people belonging to different statuses are coming nearer to
each other and trying to know about the those peoples’ problems that are from
the different status positions and this thing is creating a great sense of
humane integrity at all.
Anyway, it is requested to all readers never ever take this dilemma light and
don’t behave like that rabbit who was during the race with turtle, became
overconfident and consequently got defeated in the race.