Lotocracy in Pakistani politics

(Muhammad Afnan Wattoo, Pakpattan)

Throughout the history, regional and civilizational footprints had always been followed by human beings. It is quite natural for a person to follow the legacy of his forefathers. Same is the tendency of Indus People. Indus, being an agrarian valley had always been governed by local barons, rajas and later by governers in the reign of Mughals. These governers were ruling through the support of an outer hand either from Kabul or Delhi. So the actual power of a governer laid in the hands of an outer emperor not the local feudal lords or barons. Being a filter or insulator for Delhi sultanate, Indus had always seen a change of outer hand or patronage. A raja or governer who was, fighting against an invader either from central Asia or Afghanistan, supporting Delhi sultanate was taking no time to change the loyalty. If the invader is powerful and able enough to destroy the Delhi dynasty and rajas and governers of Indus origin are unable to deter him then they found allegiance with the new master as a solution of problem. Actually their priority was to retain principality no matter who is supporting them, sultan of Delhi or pathans of Kabul or any invader from central Asia. They were to be with the power holder. Mir Manu (Moinul Mulk), for instance, was the governer of Lahore on behalf of Delhi sultanate. He blocked the first march of Ahmed Shah Abdali towards Delhi in 1747AD and forced him to retreat to Kabul. On Abdali’s second attempt of taking Delhi, Manu was again able to deter him and also saved Lahore from Abdali. In 1752AD Abdali’s third attempt was successful one and he took Lahore by defeating Mir Manu. Mir Manu went to Abdali’s court and compensation resulted in allegiance of Manu with new master Abdali. Manu being the powerful governer of Delhi sultanate was able to understand the need of the hour. He was well aware of the fact that Abdali is going to be the new emperor of Delhi sultanate. Abdali returned him the governership of Lahore that was his foremost inner will.

Today’s politician of Indus valley (Pakistan) is on the same steps of his forefathers. It has become, over the course of time, a normal act for Pakistani politicians to change allegiance from one party to another as their forefathers were practicing in ancient Indus. This legacy of flexible attitude towards more rewarding party is therefore a result of genetical and psychological tendency of the forefathers of Pakistani politicians. Inherited genetically, this attribute of Indus (Pakistani) politician is widely known as “Lotocracy” in Pakistan. A politician who changes his party for more gains or promise for more benefits is known as “Lota (an Urdu word for ewer)”. A lot of Pakistani politicians are Lotas in nature. I cannot mention the name of particular politician here but you can find them easily in ongoing politics of Pakistan. Once they had been the vanguard of one party and now they are point scoring, being a part of opposition, against the same party of which they had been a part of. Seldom we can find the loyal politicians in this Lotocristic politics of Pakistan. Due to regional and civilizational impacts, this area (Indus Valley) will always be producing Lotas in Politics and this is the ultimate fate and consequent destiny of Pakistan.

Muhammad Afnan Wattoo
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