Personal Account

(Aribah Ahmed, karachi)

My mind does not allow me to write or share my personal things to others, obviously no one wants to disclose their secrets...! therefore, it becomes very difficult to write a personal account given in an exam to write a 'personal account". Although teacher does not mean to disclose your secrets whereas personal account in an exam means to share personal experience. Some fools does not understand. So obviously fool students are not mad too, so why would they write on personal account?,if they are already aware that their teachers will read this and finally the process leads to their parents.

If minority tries to write they creates problems for themselves only. Mammoth complications arises..

Personal Accounts should not be attempted and the teacher should not give this question too. because personal account is the account which is very personal so why to write the personal things and make the public read? Confusions are created and this confusion further leads to critical moments...

In a nut shell;

personal Accounts must be rejected if you cannot understand the logic. because personal is very personal, so keep it personal and get rid of creating complications..

Aribah Ahmed
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