Human beings are blessed creatures on earth who have superiority over animals on the basis of language. Humans’ language is arbitrary one as there is no direct link between the lexical items and its meaning. Human language get evolved with every passing time because needs change, demands change. In dictionaries, every year new words get added and some words become totally obsolete as they would no longer be in use. For instance, there is the time when we use word SMS while sending any message to other person via mobile phone, but currently word text is used for sending any kind of message because of the rapid change in technology. But, do you know, these words in actual does not mean what they seem i-e mobile is the word used for gadget but in actual its meaning is portable. Human language is productive in nature as we are social animals and we need language to communicate, but we can be totally dependent on stagnant language, therefore our language is dynamic, unlike animals.
Different devices invented and they do not have any name at that moment, the one who invented name them, certainly. But, these word formation is not only restricted to inventions; there are several other changes in the language as well such as sentence structure, new form of contractions and abbreviated language. Some people believed that this is corrupting a language by infusing these new words into language. Whereas, some people do not agree with this; these people believed as it is an added factor in making language more unique. The examples of these new style of language include Kinda (kind), wanna (want), lemme (let me), Tysm (thank you so much), Np (no problem) etc. Human have the remarkable ability of producing new words to cater the need and situation.
Though animals also possess language, but their language is not unique and productive, despite their language is certain, fixed and rigid. Their language is natural and they do not have the capability to produce any new words to cater their needs. They used different signals in order to get food, to warn their fellows about any danger. For instance, bees dance, it is their signals to other fellows, when they wanted to locate any food, or to disseminate information about food. As, I have already mentioned animals are born with natural sound, so, no matter where they have been brought up, they speak up the same language, they are born with. For instance, if a cat is raised by duck, despite it, its language is “meow” rather than “quack”, unlike human beings who speak up the very same language where they get raised. If, a person is born in Spanish family and raised in German family, he would definitely speak the German rather than Dutch. Moreover, animal do not have the ability to recall their past or talk about future or any abstract idea. But, human beings talk about their past, present and future as well. They also talk about abstract ideas like fairy tales, demons and ghosts etc.
So, human beings are blessed to have language that is dynamic in nature. We themselves can invent new words and they later might become trend. This human language is the social practice, but be mindful about the fact that this language also held responsible for breaking relations. So, whenever use language use it decently and nicely.