Each step a day

(Syeda Fizza Salman, Karachi)

University life is always a fun and full of adventure with twists and turns, specially when you are sharing a beautiful bond of friendship with your batch mates but when it comes to an end and you are about to be graduate you always desire to have a quick start of your professional life and start setting your goals

You expect professional life to be adventurous like university life but the day when you step into a new life you realise how things appear differently than the previous life. The amount of workload, pressures, deadlines, competitions and above all no friends to support you, as everyone is busy setting up their own life. But don't rush, take each step a day. We are always in rush to achieve everything, the things we admire , the stuff we want, the job we look for the title to achieve and sometimes we want results in hurry. One thing that we forget here is that things are not always going to happen in the way we want it. Everything is supposed to be done
at a specific time.

All you have to do is, ask your self if what you are doing today is getting you closer to what you want to be tomorrow. Doing that will help you to assess where do you stand in your own race so that you can pace up. This is the time where you build your fortune or destroy it completely. Things you choose becomes your destiny. Times changes everything and everyone but the desire and ability to keep the old bonds alive is the only thing that keeps to build a positive personality inside you.

Keep your positive side alive, keep that energetic youth inside you alive, keep checking on your friends. You might realise how wonderful human being you are.

Syeda  Fizza Salman
About the Author: Syeda Fizza Salman Read More Articles by Syeda Fizza Salman: 2 Articles with 1868 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.