The heavenly Qur‟an is considered by Muslims to be the seal of disclosure of Allah (SW) for the direction of humanity on earth. Accordingly, it contains numerous realities, certainties and real factors about physical and powerful universes. While the past disclosures of God particularly, Gospel (Bibles) and Torah, or Hebrew scripture(Tanakh) experienced numerous progressions and interjection from their particular supporters and disciples, the blessed Qur‟an which is considered as a book of information had never face any defilement; since Allah the most all-powerful and all-knowing vowed to ensure this sacred book(Qur‟an) from any potential changes from the primary day of its disclosure to the day of restoration. In the most genuine note, Qur‟an as a last disclosure, has managed the issues of the past, it is currently managing the current issues and still proficient to anticipate different issues later on that human cerebrum and astuteness is yet to find. In that capacity, it is a book of all sort of sciences and signs, that is going from monetary, social, strict, profound, physical and regular science. In another word the heavenly Qur‟an with the above trademark has the right to be the wellspring of a wide range of information. However, for the purpose of scholarly paper, this article expects to analyze the importance versus of the honorable Qur‟an as the primary source
of Scientific Knowledge, with specific reference to its commitment to theQur‟an as the primary source of Scientific Knowledge, with specific reference to its commitment to the field of Embryology and stargazing individually. In that capacity, the Qur‟an is the unadulterated discourse of Allah,
composition, everything being equal. The discourse of Allah, sent downward on
the last Prophet Muhammad, through the Angel Gabriel, in its exact significance and exact phrasing, sent to us by various people (tawatur), both verbally and in writingTruth be told,
Qur‟an is consistently concurred by Muslim Scholars to be the greatest wonder of prophet Muhammad (saw) and the principle verification of the genuineness of his prophet hood. The supernatural occurrences contains in it are the confirmation of its validness as the genuine book of Allah and strange book that designs by individual. In the most genuine note, some western researchers or orientalists admitted the phenomenal idea of Quran.
For example, Maurice Bucaille, French specialist, researcher, researcher and creator of The Bible, the Qur‟an and Science expressed that, The last finish of my near investigation of Qur'an and the Bible is that the assertions about logical wonders in the Holy Qur'an are completely in similarity with the advanced sciences though the Biblical portrayal's on similar subjects are logically totally unacceptable
This supernatural occurrence is likewise showed in the construction of the heavenly Qur‟an, which means and the different information can be acquired from it, like authentic occasions, expectation of what
will occur later on, and numerous logical realities. Accordingly, Qur‟an has challenge unbelievers who use to question its realness to create another book like it. Agreeing to Qur‟an in this regard: "Or they say: He has imagined it? Nay, yet they don't accept! Then, at that point let them produce a discourse like it, in case they are truthful"Qur‟an even test these unbelievers to deliver not exactly the entire part of the Qur‟an, it requested the to deliver just ten part like those of the Qur‟an. "Or on the other hand they say: He has created it! Say:
Then, at that point bring ten Surahs, the like thereof, developed, and approach
everybody you can alongside Allah, in case you are truful.
In reality, the legitimacy of Qur‟an and its supernatural occurrence is clear at the point when the blessed Qur‟an the last disclosure of Allah persevered to
challenge the unbelievers to deliver only one surah like those of the Qur‟an, notwithstanding, they couldn't do as such. Hence, Qur‟an has portrayed this episode to us to discover everybody that isn't a book of familiar writer nor the composing of standard speaker, in any case, it is a book of preeminent God
the most transcendent and the most omniscience."And in the event that you
are in question worried what we uncover to our Courier (Muhammad), then, at that point produce a surah like one
thereof, and call your divine beings and allies alongside Allah in the event that you are honest"
Subsequently, the above attributes of the sacred Qur‟an will without a doubt requests profound assessment about information that can be acquired from the sacred Qur‟an, with specific reference to the logical information (embryology furthermore, stargazing).
Logical confirmations of the Qur‟an unmistakably demonstrate its Divine beginning. No human might have delivered a book, fourteen hundred years prior, that would contain such significant logical realities. In view of this modest paper the galactic also, embryological realities are demonstrated from the Quranic point of view since 14centuries, this shows that Qur‟an as a seal of the disclosures is legitimate without fail and each space.The miracle of human creation in the sacred Quran is one of numerous other clinical marvels. Having inspected past definite articulations of Quranic stanzas and logical investigation of the
undeveloped stages, it is clear that these Quranic sections give a precise depiction of the principle organizes the undeveloped organism
experiences during creation and development until conveyance. It is
seen that these progressions correspond with the comments of present day embryology, and really communicates the outer marvels of changes that outcome from the inside changes.
Accordingly, the Quranic depictions contain articulations ,conceivable to individuals of various foundations. Essentially, the wonder of formation of universe is additionally one of numerous other cosmic realities. These Quranic sections of stargazing affirmed that Quran is the most dependable wellspring of different
information. In view of above truth, it is irrefutable reality that the
Qur‟an isn't just a book of Science however it is additionally a book of
„Signs‟. These signs welcome Man to understand the reason for his
presence on earth, and live in amicability with Nature.