(Hafiz Muhammad Noman, Karachi)

That was an Edhi ambulance going fast on wrong track! The ambulance was carrying a patient to a hospital. Meanwhile, the driver carelessly collided the ambulance with a car and few of the family members were perished on the spot! This all happened a few days ago when a careless driver unintentionally killed few people instead of saving their lives! This is not the first incident but many of the same incidents could be found here and there in our daily life!

Today when we observe our society, we see some welfare trusts’ ambulances moving fast here and there! Sometimes the ambulances contain patients and sometimes they are empty nonetheless they are too speedy! As we know that their work is appreciable because they make efforts to save people’s lives but the matter of concern is their reckless driving which too often causes accidents themselves! Why do they drive recklessly?! The answer is so simple! There is actually always a competition among various welfares to carry the patients in their ambulances so that more fund and name could be bagged!

Are all the patients dying whom the ambulances are carrying to hospitals?! Are all the patients in serious condition?! I think not! So why do they drive recklessly?! In foreign countries, there are some rules and regulations for the ambulances too that how they have to work and what routes they have to use! Why not the government recommends some rules and regulations for the ambulances in Pakistan?!

A few days ago, Chhipa and Edhi welfare trusts’ ambulances reached to save a patient! What happened there has already been published in newspapers! The drivers of the ambulances tried to carry the patient in their ambulances but Edhi ambulance driver carried the patient and amazingly the stretcher he used was Chhipa’s! Now both of the drivers scuffled with each other in Jinnah hospital! What is this nonsense?!

We Pakistani appreciate these welfares as they are serving for humanity but there should be some rules for these welfares too as in foreign countries! They should be properly trained, disciplined and they should take care of the speed! If they are carrying one person to a hospital, it doesn’t mean just that patient is important whom they are carrying but the people around them are also important and they should not avoid them and always remember this statement “Hurry Burry Spoil The Curry!”

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Hafiz Muhammad Noman
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