Constipation , Causes & Treatment
(Dr Qamar Siddiqui, Kharian)
In general, constipation is
when someone goes to the toilet less often than usual, or when it's difficult to
pass a motion. It's a change from a person's usual pattern of bowel opening.
Causes of constipation >>>>>>
Common causes of constipation include:
• Lack of liquid
• Lack of dietary fibre
• Inactivity
• Stress
• Ignoring the urge to go to the toilet
Other causes include some medications (such as painkillers), some medical
conditions (for example, irritable bowel syndrome) and changes in environment
(going on holiday).
Treatment of constipation>>>>>>>
Take regular exercise, drink at least eight glasses of water a day and eat more
fibre, including bran cereals, wholegrain bread and rice, and at least five
portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Never ignore the urge to go to the
toilet. Try to keep stress to a minimum.
Homeopathic remedies like, Nux Vomica, Sulphur , Opium , Plumbum , Alum ,
Bryonia , Nat mur, Lycopodium, Platina , Verat etc. are commonly refer to
Seek medical advice if these measures don't help or if constipation is
associated with severe abdominal pain, vomiting or passing blood or mucus in the
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