Music in our lives

(Shaheena Naeem, Karachi)

Music is very important in our lives because today, everyone wants to listen to from the head phones while they are doing work in the kitchen or bathrooms. In modern era, people are very much interested in music, they install decks in the buses even private cars. Some people listen music with violence version because they are harsh in manners; when they listen music. They feel like to change of heart, then they have to choose some good music such as, light songs, Sufi songs, Rumi songs.
If someone is bored in his life, he could coax from the music and pass bad time.
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Music is a enjoyable thing for everyone but sometimes, we could see the bad effects on their organs such as ears even hands and legs; because when we listen music continuously we have to face deaf ears or disabled hands, legs. When we listen music loudly, we dance with them and enjoy with ebb and flow.
"Even though he is thoroughly trained,he still makes a lot of mistakes."
In my opinion, if we have life without music, it would be so sad and collapse the minds simaltaneously. Someone is habitual to listen music as to bring somebody up to speed.

Shaheena Naeem
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