How to overcome sadness?

(Anoosh Zahid, Lahore)

"I am sad" , these words are revolving around the Earth as it is revolving around its orbit.
I am sad. You are sad. All are sad.
Why so?
Is it awkward to feel sad?
Am I alone in this?
Probably , these questions arise in one’s mind when a person is in state of sadness especially when one can’t understand the reason for being sad. So in search of solutions , we go browsing How to overcome sadness?
No doubt , it is one of the common most feelings witnessed by us today. The feeling of sadness, loneliness or even hopelessness ends up a person in state of depression. It becomes really difficult to cope up with yourself when in this phase when you are seeing darkness all around and inside you. Don’t you think it’s all a collection of negative emotions? Don’t you wanna know the root causes and cure to sadness? Don’t you wanna know How to overcome sadness?
Come Along…
The feeling of sadness without any reason is defined by the term “Lypophrenia”
Our young generation is suffering from this state in fact feeling stuck in it and is unable to tackle it. Due to which they disturb both their personal and social life leading to messed up relationships and atmosphere and hence more of depression.
If you are also going through a state of sadness and want to overcome it, then the following blog will be helpful in translating your feelings into words and plus you’ll get to know the cure to the feeling of sadness.

Symptoms of Lypophrenia:
• It is a feeling of sadness due to unknown cause.
• It the same emotion of feeling sad but reason being not known pulls ones energy more down.
• It is a state in which the person suffering would feel like crying.
• The person may feel lost and empty.
• The person starts thinking negative thoughts and then keep on carrying that negative energy with himself, making him more sad.
• The person starts doing negative self talk, feel guilty and insecure and thus this self hate makes him feel inferior.
This keeps on repeating and one ends up being a depression patient.

Causes of Lypophrenia:
• Missing someone
• Insomnia
• Over thinking
• Same routine
• Loneliness
• Bottling up feelings

Cure of Lypophrenia:
• Positive Mindset = This helps one stay happy.
• Appreciate Yourself = Be proud on little progress you make.
• Talk to someone = Being interactive to people if not many then at least one whom you trust.
• Stay busy = Keep yourself involved in healthy activities.
• Try new things = Its one of the best way to distract your mind and keep you fresh.
• Try to sleep = As you have heard ‘ Early to bed , Early to rise , makes a man healthy , wealthy and wise.’ So try sleeping on time at night and have at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep.
• Child Therapy = Try spending time with children. Psychology proves that babies have got healing power. Their hugs and laughters help one to heal.

Hope these points will help you.
Wish you a happy recovery.

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Anoosh Zahid
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