How to sleep better?

(Anoosh Zahid, Lahore)

Trouble Sleeping ? Then you are at the right place.
I had been facing trouble while sleeping back since a few months. As soon as I used to lay down on my bed to sleep, thoughts, thoughts and thoughts …. Uhhhh ! Its so irritating that your eyes are closed and you are trying to sleep but can’t. It leaves one frustrated with a question in our head that How to sleep better?
I am pretty sure many of you will also be facing the same problem. Be it any sort of thoughts, different than mine, but leading to the same problem that is trouble sleeping. Don’t worry and first of all understand that you are not alone in this. Right after graduation, there’s a lot of career pressure on the individual, no matter whether you are a guy or a girl. Same was the case with me , my thoughts did not let me sleep.
Even after a busy hectic day, we face trouble while sleeping at night. Our tired body is in dire need of rest but we are unable to sleep and are in a helpless state, tossing and turning on our bed, with eyes wide open, wondering How to sleep better?
I have heard students in schools, colleagues at work and family members discuss among themselves about this issue. It is really common nowadays, in every age group especially in the teenagers.
The questions which mostly arise in our mind are :
Why can’t I sleep?
Why am I facing trouble sleeping?
How can I get a better night’s sleep?
How can I get on a regular sleep schedule?
Does everyone have a sleep problem?
Such questions are answered in the following article:
What is sleep?
Sleep is the state of natural rest in which our eyes are closed, our body is inactive and our mind does not think.
Why is it important to sleep?
Sleep is a basic human need. It is necessary for an individual in order to get charged and feel fresh again to do the daily tasks and activities. It reenergizes our body and brain. A good sleep is important for an overall health and well being of an individual.
Why can’t I sleep?
There can be many reasons like tension , stress , anxiety , depression , over thinking , any health condition , amount of tea / coffee you drink , may be the medicines you take aging , screen time before bedtime , noise disturbances or an uncomfortable bedroom. Some emotional reasons may include guilt , grief , anger and trauma. Sleeplessness may be inherited as well.
How to sleep better?
Some proven tips to sleep better are below:
• Create a peaceful environment
• Limit daytime naps
• Manage your thoughts and worries
• Include physical activities in your routine
• Make a sleep schedule
• Don’t consume caffeine before bed
• Take a melatonin supplement
• Contact a doctor, somnologist (i.e. a sleep doctor)

Hopefully you would have found this article helpful.

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Anoosh Zahid
About the Author: Anoosh Zahid Read More Articles by Anoosh Zahid: 5 Articles with 2358 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.